| 31 March 2016
Eesti Seksuaaltervise Liit / Estonian Sexual Health Association
The Estonian Sexual Health Association (ESHA, formerly the Estonian Family Planning Association) is a non-governmental organization, which was founded in 1994. The goal of the ESHA is to improve and promote sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of the people living in Estonia. Since 1995 the ESHA is a member of International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) and adheres to its policies. ESHA promotes sexual and reproductive health and rights as defined on UN Cairo Conference of Population and Development (1994) and is committed among other aims to obtain equal rights for women, and to their empowerment. Main focus of activities is on youth SRHR education and sexual health counselling including HIV/AIDS prevention, but also a number of targeted programs have been carried out (addressing e.g. disabled people or victims of sexual violence). Information and educational materials to different target groups have been created and published as well as training courses in different issues have been carried out. Several media campaigns have been organised all over Estonia to target particular topic like intimate partner violence as an example. A network of youth counselling centres has been established all over Estonia which operates free of charge for young people up to 26 years of age under ESHA coordination. In 2003 ESHA opened Sexual Health Clinic to provide integrated sexual health services besides young people for adult target group as well. In addition, free SRHR Internet counselling for young people is provided through ESHA home page www.seksuaaltervis.ee. ESHA aims to continuously support school sexuality education especially in talking about ”difficult” topics, such as living together with people having HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive rights, sexual diversity, sexual orientation, sexuality in media, pornography, gender and sex, communication skills etc. ESHA has been providing such sex educational training for young people and also for parents and specialists working with youth in Estonia and also in other countries (Kyrgyzstan, Moldova).

| 31 March 2016
Väestöliitto (The Family Federation of Finland)
Väestöliitto is a non-governmental-organization working in the field of social services, health and human rights. Väestöliitto was founded in 1941 and is composed of 35 member organizations. Within a global network, Väestöliitto, Finland’s leading sexual rights organisation, works to promote sexual health and rights and gender equality. Through their activities the Väestöliitto works to allow every individual and couple to make free, responsible and informed choices about their sexuality, such as, forming close relationships, getting married, using contraception, and having children. Within the scope of this aim, Väestöliitto works to stop gender based violence. Väestöliitto’s operations are divided into services for citizens, research, and advocacy. Väestöliitto promotes family-friendly policies, sustainable population policies, and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in Finland, Europe, and globally. All of Väestöliitto’s advocacy aims to further the UN’s goals for sustainable development. Väestöliitto provides online-services for people of all ages at Hyvä kysymys online service. Väestöliitto also has chat service for young people focusing on sexual wellbeing. Väestöliitto provides a helpline telephone and web service for boys and young men.

| 31 March 2016
Mouvement Français pour le Planning Familial
The Mouvement Français pour le Planning Familial (MFPF) is a feminist confederacy of over 70 member associations covering most of the French territory. They provide comprehensive sexuality education, counseling and information on contraception, abortion, HIV/STI and sexual and affective issues. Furthermore, they listen to, help and work with survivors of gender-based violence. Half of their beneficiaries are under the age of 20. MFPF and its members also run training courses and produce material for medical and educational communities covering a whole range of SRHR issues. A large number of member associations run health clinics where contraception and abortion services are delivered. MFPF advocates for longer delays and improved access to abortion, and it has been highly active in challenging opposition to fertility regulation. At the European and international scales, the organisation invests in three main activities. First, MFPF advocates for SRHR, women's rights and LGBTQI+ rights. Then, it conducts solidarity campaigns with immigrant women, and with sexual and reproductive health organizations in other European countries (such as Poland) where women's sexual and reproductive rights are violated. Finally, the French organization takes part in international programmes in solidarity with organizations in Africa in order to learn from one another, to share practices and to develop a common political agenda to improve access to SRHR.

| 31 March 2016
Association HERA XXI - Georgia
Based in Tbilisi, Georgia, Association HERA XXI is a women’s rights organization working from the feminist perspective. It has been actively working in the fields of healthcare, sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and gender equality since 1998. HERA XXI offers comprehensive education to vulnerable societal groups, makes quality SRHR services more accessible, promotes development of institutions of volunteerism and activism and enhances strengthening and engagement of youth and community groups. Evidence-based advocacy, partnerships, awareness-raising, and results-oriented monitoring are essential approaches for achieving HERA XXI’s programmatic goals. Target groups: Girls and women of childbearing age; Girls and women living under the poverty line; IDP girls and women; Rural population; Girls and boys aged 14 to 25; High risk groups; Ethnic minorities; The following telephone and online/remote services can be received through the HERA XXI’s Call Center (Hot-line: 20 11 221): Consultation with a doctor/reproductive specialist; Legal consultation on sexual and reproductive rights and domestic violence; Consultation of a Social Worker for Internally Displaced People (IDPs); Online consultation service of a reproductive specialist and a legal consultant for young people - the service is available on the platform – www.youth-counseling.ge. Advocacy The Association contributes to the improvement of the political, social and economic environment of the country by promoting universal access to sexual and reproductive health services, maternal health, comprehensive education on reproductive health and healthy lifestyles, improving legal environment of children’s rights in terms of SRHR, advocating youth policies at local, national and international levels, and increasing readiness and awareness of decision-makers regarding sexual and reproductive health and rights.

| 31 March 2016
Pro Familia - Germany
Pro familia advocates for the rights to individual self-determination in sexuality and family planning and is committed nationally and internationally to sexual and reproductive health and rights. For pro familia, sexual and reproductive rights and health rank among human rights. pro familia is the leading professional association on sexuality and partnership in Germany. With information and counselling services, pro familia wants to contribute to women, men and young people being able to live their sexuality and sexual orientation in a self-determined way, to parenthood being a free decision and to a satisfying sexual life without fear of unwanted pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, and to people being able to participate in scientific progress. The services offered in the 180 counselling centres nationwide include counselling, information and age-appropriate sex education on partnership, sexuality, sexual orientation, contraception, pregnancy, family, unfulfilled desire to have children and reproductive medicine, prenatal diagnostics, birth, financial support, unwanted pregnancy as well as separation and divorce. Pro familia publishes information brochures for clients and specialist publications for doctors, counsellors and educators, organises specialist conferences, lobbies for sexual and reproductive health and rights and offers a wide range of further and advanced training. In the field of sexual education, it is committed to human rights education.

| 31 March 2016
Irish Family Planning Association
The Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) was founded in 1969. Since then, the organization has been a pioneering force in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in Ireland, as an educator, a researcher, opinion former and service provider. The IFPA worked for years for the removal of the constitutional ban on abortion and, since 2019, proudly provides early abortion care among its services. In its early days, when contraception was illegal, the organization opened Ireland’s first family planning clinics. It helped establish sex education programmes in schools and set up Ireland’s first confidential sex helpline for young people. The organization provides specialist training in contraception for healthcare professionals, and on sexual health for community groups, young people and parents. The IFPA has 2 clinics in Dublin and 10 pregnancy counselling centres nationwide. It operates Ireland’s only community based FGM treatment clinic. The IFPA works for the fulfilment of the rights to respect for reproductive autonomy and access to sexual and reproductive health and rights, with a particular focus on the SRHR of adolescents, young people and vulnerable or disadvantaged groups. Current priorities include: universal free access to contraception, improved sexuality education within school curricula and the removal of the remaining barriers to access to abortion care.