Latest Blogs
A selection of blogs from across the Federation
Arab World
What you need to know about the war in Yemen and its impact on women
Where is Yemen? Yemen lies on the southeastern edge of the Arabian Peninsula, buffered by the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden and bordered by Saudi Arabia and Oman. About 29 million people call Yemen home, and they are the poorest in the Middle East.
17 July 2017
The United Nations Headquarters in New York is currently hosting the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, a ten-day gat
17 May 2017
Women and girls are disproportionately affected in humanitarian crises and face multiple sexual and reproductive health challenges in these contexts. IPPF has been providing much needed support to vulnerable communities through our global federation of member associations, who provide contextualised, timely and tailored interventions drawing on local partners' knowledge and expertise. However, recent shifts in the global political landscape are concerning and threaten to undermine IPPF's mission and impact on the ground.
17 August 2016
Mikaela Hildebrand,Senior Policy Adviser - for Sexual and reproductive health and rights, from IPPF's Swedish Member Associa
26 May 2016
Here Preethi Sundaram of IPPF, author of a new report on comprehensive sexuality education, talks to DSW’s (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung) com
25 May 2016
Ima, 24, a recently qualified midwife from Indonesia, is a panellist in the Global Dialogue for Citizen-led Accountability for Women’s, Chi
17 May 2016
Girls age 15 to 19 with a diagnosis of a major mental illness are almost three times as likely to give birth as adolescents without mental health issues. Education is key.