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IPPF/Tommy Trenchard


Latest resources from across the federation and our partners


A selection of resources from across the Federation


HIV Theory of Change

Our HIV Theory of Change is to clarify the goals and vision of IPPF’s HIV programme and to articulate the different pathways and strategies IPPF uses to contribute towards its HIV goals and vision.

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Female librarian

| 14 June 2017

Bringing sex education out of the classroom and into the library in Queens

Planned Parenthood partners with Queens libraries to bring sex education out of the classroom and into the library. The partnership employs the library's traditional role as a source of information creating a safe space for today's teenagers to ask for support.   Photography © IPPF/Bill Kotsatos Taking sex education to teens in Queens, NY

Female librarian

| 14 June 2017

Bringing sex education out of the classroom and into the library in Queens

Planned Parenthood partners with Queens libraries to bring sex education out of the classroom and into the library. The partnership employs the library's traditional role as a source of information creating a safe space for today's teenagers to ask for support.   Photography © IPPF/Bill Kotsatos Taking sex education to teens in Queens, NY

Female librarian

| 14 June 2017

Bringing sex education out of the classroom and into the library in Queens

Planned Parenthood partners with Queens libraries to bring sex education out of the classroom and into the library. The partnership employs the library's traditional role as a source of information creating a safe space for today's teenagers to ask for support.   Photography © IPPF/Bill Kotsatos Taking sex education to teens in Queens, NY

Female librarian

| 14 June 2017

Bringing sex education out of the classroom and into the library in Queens

Planned Parenthood partners with Queens libraries to bring sex education out of the classroom and into the library. The partnership employs the library's traditional role as a source of information creating a safe space for today's teenagers to ask for support.   Photography © IPPF/Bill Kotsatos Taking sex education to teens in Queens, NY