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IPPF/Tommy Trenchard


Latest resources from across the federation and our partners


A selection of resources from across the Federation


HIV Theory of Change

Our HIV Theory of Change is to clarify the goals and vision of IPPF’s HIV programme and to articulate the different pathways and strategies IPPF uses to contribute towards its HIV goals and vision.
Group of women

| 07 June 2022

Understanding abortion: a visual resource

Understanding abortion: a visual resource aims to fill a gap in communication, reducing literacy and language barriers around abortion messaging. It can be used with a range of different audiences, including people with learning disabilities, to support them in the process of making an informed and consensual decision on pregnancy and abortion. This resource offers an insight into what the process of having an abortion is like, showing what a young person’s journey would be if they decided to have an abortion. It is aimed to support community health workers, young people, and others people advocating for an increase in knowledge and information on abortion and reducing the stigma surrounding it. This is a versatile tool, in which the reader can select the most relevant parts of the story according to their needs or those of their audience. We hope this tool can support those who require more information and may need to access safe abortion services. This resource can be used on its own or alongside other IPPF resources around abortion, such as the How to talk about abortion: a guide to rights based messaging or How to educate about abortion: A guide for peer educators, teachers and trainers. In addition, IPPF have produced videos on What is a surgical abortion and What is a medical abortion. For further information on this resource, such as translation into other languages, contact [email protected].

Group of women

| 30 November 2020

Understanding abortion: a visual resource

Understanding abortion: a visual resource aims to fill a gap in communication, reducing literacy and language barriers around abortion messaging. It can be used with a range of different audiences, including people with learning disabilities, to support them in the process of making an informed and consensual decision on pregnancy and abortion. This resource offers an insight into what the process of having an abortion is like, showing what a young person’s journey would be if they decided to have an abortion. It is aimed to support community health workers, young people, and others people advocating for an increase in knowledge and information on abortion and reducing the stigma surrounding it. This is a versatile tool, in which the reader can select the most relevant parts of the story according to their needs or those of their audience. We hope this tool can support those who require more information and may need to access safe abortion services. This resource can be used on its own or alongside other IPPF resources around abortion, such as the How to talk about abortion: a guide to rights based messaging or How to educate about abortion: A guide for peer educators, teachers and trainers. In addition, IPPF have produced videos on What is a surgical abortion and What is a medical abortion. For further information on this resource, such as translation into other languages, contact [email protected].

A healthcare worker with a client

| 19 April 2022

IMAP Statement Abortion Self-Care

IPPF understands abortion self-care as the right of women and girls to lead, in part or entirely, their abortion process, with or without support from health providers. Guided by the existing evidence and practices, this statement provides practical recommendations for IPPF Member Associations and other sexual and reproductive health stakeholders on how to manage abortion care within a people-centred model which empowers individuals and is supported by community collectives and social networks, however still backed-up by the healthcare system whenever needed or required. This statement also serves as an advocacy tool to create an enabling environment for abortion self-care.   Download in English, French, and Spanish below. 

A healthcare worker with a client

| 10 June 2021

IMAP Statement Abortion Self-Care

IPPF understands abortion self-care as the right of women and girls to lead, in part or entirely, their abortion process, with or without support from health providers. Guided by the existing evidence and practices, this statement provides practical recommendations for IPPF Member Associations and other sexual and reproductive health stakeholders on how to manage abortion care within a people-centred model which empowers individuals and is supported by community collectives and social networks, however still backed-up by the healthcare system whenever needed or required. This statement also serves as an advocacy tool to create an enabling environment for abortion self-care.   Download in English, French, and Spanish below. 

technical brief humanitarian

| 10 January 2022

Technical Brief on Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Adolescents in Protracted Humanitarian Settings

In line with the IPPF Humanitarian Strategy 2018–2022, we present promising practices to guide IPPF Member Associations and partners in the provision of CSE, specifically when operating in protracted humanitarian crisis environments and call the humanitarian community to action to recognize and adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) needs and rights in emergency response programming. This technical brief is available below in English, Arabic, French, and Spanish.

technical brief humanitarian

| 16 April 2024

Technical Brief on Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Adolescents in Protracted Humanitarian Settings

In line with the IPPF Humanitarian Strategy 2018–2022, we present promising practices to guide IPPF Member Associations and partners in the provision of CSE, specifically when operating in protracted humanitarian crisis environments and call the humanitarian community to action to recognize and adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) needs and rights in emergency response programming. This technical brief is available below in English, Arabic, French, and Spanish.

A positive pregnancy test

| 03 November 2021

A história do aborto de Ada

A história do aborto de AdaAcompanhe Ada para descobrir sua história. Como muitas pessoas, ela acabou de descobrir que está grávida, mas não tem condições de cuidar de outra criança. Ela decidiu fazer um aborto. Quais serão suas opções e o que ela escolherá? Reserve alguns minutos hoje para conhecer sua jornada e clique aqui para começar ...Seu nome é Ada. Você descobriu que está grávida, mas você não tem condições de cuidar de outra criança. Você decidiu fazer um aborto.O que você faz?Na internet, você descobre a https://safe2choose.org/pt/. No site, você lê sobre a atenção ao aborto disponível em seu país e sobre outras pessoas que também fizeram um aborto. Você também encontra um número de telefone gratuito de uma associação membra da IPPF em seu país que oferece informações e apoio para abortar.Você decide de:Você liga para sua amiga Maryam, que te conta que conhece muitas mulheres que fizeram um ou mais abortos. Ela diz que ela mesma fez dois. Ela dá conselhos sobre como encontrar informações online e também sobre a clínica onde ela fez seus abortos.Você decide de:Falar com uma conselheira safe2choose por chat ao vivo, ela te oferece aconselhamento confidencial e sem julgamento em seu idioma, gratuitamente. Você descobre que existem dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento no hospital denominado aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU), que inclui o uso de um dispositivo de sucção para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 13 semanas de gestação e leva cerca de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso, que consiste em tomar comprimidos para induzir um aborto. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 12 a 13 semanas de gestação e pode ser feita na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de:Você fala com um serviço de saúde membro da IPPF, que oferece aconselhamento confidencial e sem julgamento sobre suas opções. Lá, te explicam os dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você, que as conselheiras da safe2choose também haviam explicado - aborto medicamentoso com pílulas e aspiração manual a vácuo (AMIU).Você decide de:Elas explicam dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento clínico conhecido como aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU) que é realizado com um dispositivo de sucção que serve para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é comumente usada até 13 semanas de gestação e dura cerca de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso que envolve a ingestão de comprimidos para provocar o aborto. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 12 ou 13 semanas de gestação e pode ser realizada na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de:On the internet, you discover safe2choose.org and read on their website about available abortion care in your country and about others who have also had an abortion. You speak to one of their counsellors by live chat, and she offers confidential and non-judgmental counselling in your language, free of charge.You learn that there are two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks in-clinic or up to 12 weeks at home.You decide to:Você fez a escolha que melhor se adapta às suas necessidades e situação, e foi apoiada durante todo o processo. A safe2choose.org e a IPPF oferecem informações, apoio e uma gama de opções para o atendimento ao aborto centrado na pessoa e baseado em direitos para todas as pessoas, independentemente de sua idade, religião, nacionalidade ou classe social. A equipe de conselheiras internacionais da safe2choose está aqui para apoiar durante todo o processo, a qualquer momento. A IPPF oferece atendimento ao aborto de qualidade e sem julgamento através de clínicas locais, atendimento baseado na comunidade, aconselhamento remoto e apoio ao aborto medicamentoso autogerido.Para obter mais informações, por faor visite os seguintes sites:• Informações de safe2choose sobre abortamento medicamentoso e aspiração manual a vácuo (AMIU)• Vídeos curtos da IPPF sobre aborto médico e aspiração manual a vácuo (AMIU)• Marcas de pílulas abortivas disponíveis em cada país - safe2choose information and MedAb.orgVocê conversa com uma parteira em uma clínica membra da IPPF que oferece aconselhamento confidencial e sem julgamentos sobre suas opções. Ela te explica dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento clínico, chamado aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU), que inclui o uso de dispositivo de sucção para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 13 semanas de gestação e leva cerca de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso, que consiste em tomar comprimidos para induzir um aborto. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 12 a 13 semanas de gestação e pode ser feita na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de:You've made the choice that best suits your needs and situation, and you've been supported to do so throughout the process.Abortions are very common and one of the safest medical procedures when done under the right conditions and with the right information. Everyone regardless of their age, religion, nationality or social class deserves access to a safe abortion. safe2choose.org and IPPF offer information, support and a range of options for person-centred and rights-based abortion care.safe2choose's team of international counsellors are here to support you throughout the process at anytime.Você fala com uma pessoa da clínica membra da IPPF que te proporciona aconselhamento confidencial, sem julgamento, sobre suas opções. Ela te explica que há dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento no hospital chamado aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU) que envolve o uso de um dispositivo de sucção para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 13 semanas de gestação e leva de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso que consiste na ingestão de pílulas para induzir o aborto. Esta opção, geralmente oferecida até 12 a 13 semanas de gestação, pode ser realizada na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de: Also available in English, French, and Spanish

A positive pregnancy test

| 03 November 2021

A história do aborto de Ada

A história do aborto de AdaAcompanhe Ada para descobrir sua história. Como muitas pessoas, ela acabou de descobrir que está grávida, mas não tem condições de cuidar de outra criança. Ela decidiu fazer um aborto. Quais serão suas opções e o que ela escolherá? Reserve alguns minutos hoje para conhecer sua jornada e clique aqui para começar ...Seu nome é Ada. Você descobriu que está grávida, mas você não tem condições de cuidar de outra criança. Você decidiu fazer um aborto.O que você faz?Na internet, você descobre a https://safe2choose.org/pt/. No site, você lê sobre a atenção ao aborto disponível em seu país e sobre outras pessoas que também fizeram um aborto. Você também encontra um número de telefone gratuito de uma associação membra da IPPF em seu país que oferece informações e apoio para abortar.Você decide de:Você liga para sua amiga Maryam, que te conta que conhece muitas mulheres que fizeram um ou mais abortos. Ela diz que ela mesma fez dois. Ela dá conselhos sobre como encontrar informações online e também sobre a clínica onde ela fez seus abortos.Você decide de:Falar com uma conselheira safe2choose por chat ao vivo, ela te oferece aconselhamento confidencial e sem julgamento em seu idioma, gratuitamente. Você descobre que existem dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento no hospital denominado aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU), que inclui o uso de um dispositivo de sucção para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 13 semanas de gestação e leva cerca de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso, que consiste em tomar comprimidos para induzir um aborto. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 12 a 13 semanas de gestação e pode ser feita na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de:Você fala com um serviço de saúde membro da IPPF, que oferece aconselhamento confidencial e sem julgamento sobre suas opções. Lá, te explicam os dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você, que as conselheiras da safe2choose também haviam explicado - aborto medicamentoso com pílulas e aspiração manual a vácuo (AMIU).Você decide de:Elas explicam dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento clínico conhecido como aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU) que é realizado com um dispositivo de sucção que serve para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é comumente usada até 13 semanas de gestação e dura cerca de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso que envolve a ingestão de comprimidos para provocar o aborto. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 12 ou 13 semanas de gestação e pode ser realizada na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de:On the internet, you discover safe2choose.org and read on their website about available abortion care in your country and about others who have also had an abortion. You speak to one of their counsellors by live chat, and she offers confidential and non-judgmental counselling in your language, free of charge.You learn that there are two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks in-clinic or up to 12 weeks at home.You decide to:Você fez a escolha que melhor se adapta às suas necessidades e situação, e foi apoiada durante todo o processo. A safe2choose.org e a IPPF oferecem informações, apoio e uma gama de opções para o atendimento ao aborto centrado na pessoa e baseado em direitos para todas as pessoas, independentemente de sua idade, religião, nacionalidade ou classe social. A equipe de conselheiras internacionais da safe2choose está aqui para apoiar durante todo o processo, a qualquer momento. A IPPF oferece atendimento ao aborto de qualidade e sem julgamento através de clínicas locais, atendimento baseado na comunidade, aconselhamento remoto e apoio ao aborto medicamentoso autogerido.Para obter mais informações, por faor visite os seguintes sites:• Informações de safe2choose sobre abortamento medicamentoso e aspiração manual a vácuo (AMIU)• Vídeos curtos da IPPF sobre aborto médico e aspiração manual a vácuo (AMIU)• Marcas de pílulas abortivas disponíveis em cada país - safe2choose information and MedAb.orgVocê conversa com uma parteira em uma clínica membra da IPPF que oferece aconselhamento confidencial e sem julgamentos sobre suas opções. Ela te explica dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento clínico, chamado aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU), que inclui o uso de dispositivo de sucção para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 13 semanas de gestação e leva cerca de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso, que consiste em tomar comprimidos para induzir um aborto. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 12 a 13 semanas de gestação e pode ser feita na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de:You've made the choice that best suits your needs and situation, and you've been supported to do so throughout the process.Abortions are very common and one of the safest medical procedures when done under the right conditions and with the right information. Everyone regardless of their age, religion, nationality or social class deserves access to a safe abortion. safe2choose.org and IPPF offer information, support and a range of options for person-centred and rights-based abortion care.safe2choose's team of international counsellors are here to support you throughout the process at anytime.Você fala com uma pessoa da clínica membra da IPPF que te proporciona aconselhamento confidencial, sem julgamento, sobre suas opções. Ela te explica que há dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento no hospital chamado aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU) que envolve o uso de um dispositivo de sucção para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 13 semanas de gestação e leva de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso que consiste na ingestão de pílulas para induzir o aborto. Esta opção, geralmente oferecida até 12 a 13 semanas de gestação, pode ser realizada na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de: Also available in English, French, and Spanish

A positive pregnancy test

| 27 September 2021

My abortion journey

Ada's abortion journeyTake a journey with Ada to discover her story. Like many people, she has just found out that she is pregnant, but she cannot afford to raise another child. She has decided to have an abortion. What will her options be, and what will she choose? Take a couple of minutes today to share her journey – click "Start" to begin...Your name is Ada. You've found out you are pregnant, but you cannot afford to raise another child. You have decided to have an abortion.What do you do?On the internet, you discover safe2choose.org and read on their website about available abortion care in your country and about others who have also had an abortion. You also find a toll-free number for an IPPF member association in your country that offers abortion information and support.You decide to:You call your friend Maryam, who explains to you that she knows many women who have had one or more abortions. She tells you that she herself has had two. She gives you advice about how to find information online, and also about the clinic where she had her abortions. You decide to:You speak to a safe2choose counsellor by live chat, and she offers confidential and non-judgmental counselling in your language, free of charge.You learn that there are two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to:You speak to an IPPF member service provider, who offers you confidential and non-judgmental counselling about your options. They explain the two types of abortion available to you, which the safe2choose counsellors had also explained – medical abortion with pills and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA).You decide to:They explain two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to:On the internet, you discover safe2choose.org and read on their website about available abortion care in your country and about others who have also had an abortion. You speak to one of their counsellors by live chat, and she offers confidential and non-judgmental counselling in your language, free of charge.You learn that there are two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks in-clinic or up to 12 weeks at home.You decide to:You've made the choice that best suits your needs and situation, and you've been supported to do so throughout the process. safe2choose.org and IPPF offer information, support and a range of options for person-centred and rights-based abortion care for everyone, regardless of their age, religion, nationality or social class. safe2choose's team of international counselors are here for support throughout the process at anytime. IPPF offers quality and non-judgmental abortion care through static clinics, community-based care, remote counseling, and support for self-managed medical abortion.For further information, please visit the following:• safe2choose's information on medical abortion and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA)• IPPF's short videos on medical abortion and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA)• Brands of medical abortion available at country level – safe2choose information and MedAb.orgYou visit a midwife at an IPPF member clinic who offers you confidential and non-judgmental counselling about your options.They explain two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to:You've made the choice that best suits your needs and situation, and you've been supported to do so throughout the process.Abortions are very common and one of the safest medical procedures when done under the right conditions and with the right information. Everyone regardless of their age, religion, nationality or social class deserves access to a safe abortion. safe2choose.org and IPPF offer information, support and a range of options for person-centred and rights-based abortion care.safe2choose's team of international counsellors are here to support you throughout the process at anytime.You speak to an IPPF member service provider, who offers you confidential and non-judgmental counselling about your options.They explain two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to: Also available in French, Spanish, and Portuguese

A positive pregnancy test

| 27 September 2021

My abortion journey

Ada's abortion journeyTake a journey with Ada to discover her story. Like many people, she has just found out that she is pregnant, but she cannot afford to raise another child. She has decided to have an abortion. What will her options be, and what will she choose? Take a couple of minutes today to share her journey – click "Start" to begin...Your name is Ada. You've found out you are pregnant, but you cannot afford to raise another child. You have decided to have an abortion.What do you do?On the internet, you discover safe2choose.org and read on their website about available abortion care in your country and about others who have also had an abortion. You also find a toll-free number for an IPPF member association in your country that offers abortion information and support.You decide to:You call your friend Maryam, who explains to you that she knows many women who have had one or more abortions. She tells you that she herself has had two. She gives you advice about how to find information online, and also about the clinic where she had her abortions. You decide to:You speak to a safe2choose counsellor by live chat, and she offers confidential and non-judgmental counselling in your language, free of charge.You learn that there are two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to:You speak to an IPPF member service provider, who offers you confidential and non-judgmental counselling about your options. They explain the two types of abortion available to you, which the safe2choose counsellors had also explained – medical abortion with pills and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA).You decide to:They explain two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to:On the internet, you discover safe2choose.org and read on their website about available abortion care in your country and about others who have also had an abortion. You speak to one of their counsellors by live chat, and she offers confidential and non-judgmental counselling in your language, free of charge.You learn that there are two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks in-clinic or up to 12 weeks at home.You decide to:You've made the choice that best suits your needs and situation, and you've been supported to do so throughout the process. safe2choose.org and IPPF offer information, support and a range of options for person-centred and rights-based abortion care for everyone, regardless of their age, religion, nationality or social class. safe2choose's team of international counselors are here for support throughout the process at anytime. IPPF offers quality and non-judgmental abortion care through static clinics, community-based care, remote counseling, and support for self-managed medical abortion.For further information, please visit the following:• safe2choose's information on medical abortion and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA)• IPPF's short videos on medical abortion and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA)• Brands of medical abortion available at country level – safe2choose information and MedAb.orgYou visit a midwife at an IPPF member clinic who offers you confidential and non-judgmental counselling about your options.They explain two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to:You've made the choice that best suits your needs and situation, and you've been supported to do so throughout the process.Abortions are very common and one of the safest medical procedures when done under the right conditions and with the right information. Everyone regardless of their age, religion, nationality or social class deserves access to a safe abortion. safe2choose.org and IPPF offer information, support and a range of options for person-centred and rights-based abortion care.safe2choose's team of international counsellors are here to support you throughout the process at anytime.You speak to an IPPF member service provider, who offers you confidential and non-judgmental counselling about your options.They explain two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to: Also available in French, Spanish, and Portuguese

Grace M., 22, economics student, at a clinic during a follow-up appointment two months after her abortion in Cotonou, Benin

| 10 February 2021

Reducing Abortion Stigma: Global Achievements since 2014

Abortion stigma affects everyone: individuals, communities and service providers. Young women and adolescent girls bear the brunt of abortion stigma. It causes delays in people seeking abortion and stops others from accessing it, leading to unintended pregnancies. Stigma drives abortion underground, where it is more likely to be unsafe. Since 2014, the support of the David & Lucile Packard Foundation has enabled IPPF to reduce abortion stigma affecting young people around the world, working directly with Member Associations in six countries (Bénin, Burkina Faso, India, Pakistan, Ghana and Nepal). Meaningful youth participation has ensured that young people’s lived experiences were central in every aspect of this work. This project has also supported smaller ground-breaking youth-led projects in 14 different countries: Albania, Colombia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Macedonia, Nepal, Nigeria, Palestine, Puerto Rico, Sierra Leone, Spain, Tanzania and Venezuela. This document highlights the achievements and learnings from the Abortion Stigma Project between 2014 and 2020, including case studies, research and evidence generated around abortion stigma, and popular resources and tools developed throughout the project, and more. We invite you to read more on this ground-breaking work in Reducing Abortion Stigma: Global Achievements since 2014

Grace M., 22, economics student, at a clinic during a follow-up appointment two months after her abortion in Cotonou, Benin

| 10 February 2021

Reducing Abortion Stigma: Global Achievements since 2014

Abortion stigma affects everyone: individuals, communities and service providers. Young women and adolescent girls bear the brunt of abortion stigma. It causes delays in people seeking abortion and stops others from accessing it, leading to unintended pregnancies. Stigma drives abortion underground, where it is more likely to be unsafe. Since 2014, the support of the David & Lucile Packard Foundation has enabled IPPF to reduce abortion stigma affecting young people around the world, working directly with Member Associations in six countries (Bénin, Burkina Faso, India, Pakistan, Ghana and Nepal). Meaningful youth participation has ensured that young people’s lived experiences were central in every aspect of this work. This project has also supported smaller ground-breaking youth-led projects in 14 different countries: Albania, Colombia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Macedonia, Nepal, Nigeria, Palestine, Puerto Rico, Sierra Leone, Spain, Tanzania and Venezuela. This document highlights the achievements and learnings from the Abortion Stigma Project between 2014 and 2020, including case studies, research and evidence generated around abortion stigma, and popular resources and tools developed throughout the project, and more. We invite you to read more on this ground-breaking work in Reducing Abortion Stigma: Global Achievements since 2014

Group of women

| 07 June 2022

Understanding abortion: a visual resource

Understanding abortion: a visual resource aims to fill a gap in communication, reducing literacy and language barriers around abortion messaging. It can be used with a range of different audiences, including people with learning disabilities, to support them in the process of making an informed and consensual decision on pregnancy and abortion. This resource offers an insight into what the process of having an abortion is like, showing what a young person’s journey would be if they decided to have an abortion. It is aimed to support community health workers, young people, and others people advocating for an increase in knowledge and information on abortion and reducing the stigma surrounding it. This is a versatile tool, in which the reader can select the most relevant parts of the story according to their needs or those of their audience. We hope this tool can support those who require more information and may need to access safe abortion services. This resource can be used on its own or alongside other IPPF resources around abortion, such as the How to talk about abortion: a guide to rights based messaging or How to educate about abortion: A guide for peer educators, teachers and trainers. In addition, IPPF have produced videos on What is a surgical abortion and What is a medical abortion. For further information on this resource, such as translation into other languages, contact [email protected].

Group of women

| 30 November 2020

Understanding abortion: a visual resource

Understanding abortion: a visual resource aims to fill a gap in communication, reducing literacy and language barriers around abortion messaging. It can be used with a range of different audiences, including people with learning disabilities, to support them in the process of making an informed and consensual decision on pregnancy and abortion. This resource offers an insight into what the process of having an abortion is like, showing what a young person’s journey would be if they decided to have an abortion. It is aimed to support community health workers, young people, and others people advocating for an increase in knowledge and information on abortion and reducing the stigma surrounding it. This is a versatile tool, in which the reader can select the most relevant parts of the story according to their needs or those of their audience. We hope this tool can support those who require more information and may need to access safe abortion services. This resource can be used on its own or alongside other IPPF resources around abortion, such as the How to talk about abortion: a guide to rights based messaging or How to educate about abortion: A guide for peer educators, teachers and trainers. In addition, IPPF have produced videos on What is a surgical abortion and What is a medical abortion. For further information on this resource, such as translation into other languages, contact [email protected].

A healthcare worker with a client

| 19 April 2022

IMAP Statement Abortion Self-Care

IPPF understands abortion self-care as the right of women and girls to lead, in part or entirely, their abortion process, with or without support from health providers. Guided by the existing evidence and practices, this statement provides practical recommendations for IPPF Member Associations and other sexual and reproductive health stakeholders on how to manage abortion care within a people-centred model which empowers individuals and is supported by community collectives and social networks, however still backed-up by the healthcare system whenever needed or required. This statement also serves as an advocacy tool to create an enabling environment for abortion self-care.   Download in English, French, and Spanish below. 

A healthcare worker with a client

| 10 June 2021

IMAP Statement Abortion Self-Care

IPPF understands abortion self-care as the right of women and girls to lead, in part or entirely, their abortion process, with or without support from health providers. Guided by the existing evidence and practices, this statement provides practical recommendations for IPPF Member Associations and other sexual and reproductive health stakeholders on how to manage abortion care within a people-centred model which empowers individuals and is supported by community collectives and social networks, however still backed-up by the healthcare system whenever needed or required. This statement also serves as an advocacy tool to create an enabling environment for abortion self-care.   Download in English, French, and Spanish below. 

technical brief humanitarian

| 10 January 2022

Technical Brief on Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Adolescents in Protracted Humanitarian Settings

In line with the IPPF Humanitarian Strategy 2018–2022, we present promising practices to guide IPPF Member Associations and partners in the provision of CSE, specifically when operating in protracted humanitarian crisis environments and call the humanitarian community to action to recognize and adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) needs and rights in emergency response programming. This technical brief is available below in English, Arabic, French, and Spanish.

technical brief humanitarian

| 16 April 2024

Technical Brief on Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Adolescents in Protracted Humanitarian Settings

In line with the IPPF Humanitarian Strategy 2018–2022, we present promising practices to guide IPPF Member Associations and partners in the provision of CSE, specifically when operating in protracted humanitarian crisis environments and call the humanitarian community to action to recognize and adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) needs and rights in emergency response programming. This technical brief is available below in English, Arabic, French, and Spanish.

A positive pregnancy test

| 03 November 2021

A história do aborto de Ada

A história do aborto de AdaAcompanhe Ada para descobrir sua história. Como muitas pessoas, ela acabou de descobrir que está grávida, mas não tem condições de cuidar de outra criança. Ela decidiu fazer um aborto. Quais serão suas opções e o que ela escolherá? Reserve alguns minutos hoje para conhecer sua jornada e clique aqui para começar ...Seu nome é Ada. Você descobriu que está grávida, mas você não tem condições de cuidar de outra criança. Você decidiu fazer um aborto.O que você faz?Na internet, você descobre a https://safe2choose.org/pt/. No site, você lê sobre a atenção ao aborto disponível em seu país e sobre outras pessoas que também fizeram um aborto. Você também encontra um número de telefone gratuito de uma associação membra da IPPF em seu país que oferece informações e apoio para abortar.Você decide de:Você liga para sua amiga Maryam, que te conta que conhece muitas mulheres que fizeram um ou mais abortos. Ela diz que ela mesma fez dois. Ela dá conselhos sobre como encontrar informações online e também sobre a clínica onde ela fez seus abortos.Você decide de:Falar com uma conselheira safe2choose por chat ao vivo, ela te oferece aconselhamento confidencial e sem julgamento em seu idioma, gratuitamente. Você descobre que existem dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento no hospital denominado aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU), que inclui o uso de um dispositivo de sucção para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 13 semanas de gestação e leva cerca de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso, que consiste em tomar comprimidos para induzir um aborto. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 12 a 13 semanas de gestação e pode ser feita na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de:Você fala com um serviço de saúde membro da IPPF, que oferece aconselhamento confidencial e sem julgamento sobre suas opções. Lá, te explicam os dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você, que as conselheiras da safe2choose também haviam explicado - aborto medicamentoso com pílulas e aspiração manual a vácuo (AMIU).Você decide de:Elas explicam dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento clínico conhecido como aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU) que é realizado com um dispositivo de sucção que serve para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é comumente usada até 13 semanas de gestação e dura cerca de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso que envolve a ingestão de comprimidos para provocar o aborto. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 12 ou 13 semanas de gestação e pode ser realizada na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de:On the internet, you discover safe2choose.org and read on their website about available abortion care in your country and about others who have also had an abortion. You speak to one of their counsellors by live chat, and she offers confidential and non-judgmental counselling in your language, free of charge.You learn that there are two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks in-clinic or up to 12 weeks at home.You decide to:Você fez a escolha que melhor se adapta às suas necessidades e situação, e foi apoiada durante todo o processo. A safe2choose.org e a IPPF oferecem informações, apoio e uma gama de opções para o atendimento ao aborto centrado na pessoa e baseado em direitos para todas as pessoas, independentemente de sua idade, religião, nacionalidade ou classe social. A equipe de conselheiras internacionais da safe2choose está aqui para apoiar durante todo o processo, a qualquer momento. A IPPF oferece atendimento ao aborto de qualidade e sem julgamento através de clínicas locais, atendimento baseado na comunidade, aconselhamento remoto e apoio ao aborto medicamentoso autogerido.Para obter mais informações, por faor visite os seguintes sites:• Informações de safe2choose sobre abortamento medicamentoso e aspiração manual a vácuo (AMIU)• Vídeos curtos da IPPF sobre aborto médico e aspiração manual a vácuo (AMIU)• Marcas de pílulas abortivas disponíveis em cada país - safe2choose information and MedAb.orgVocê conversa com uma parteira em uma clínica membra da IPPF que oferece aconselhamento confidencial e sem julgamentos sobre suas opções. Ela te explica dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento clínico, chamado aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU), que inclui o uso de dispositivo de sucção para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 13 semanas de gestação e leva cerca de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso, que consiste em tomar comprimidos para induzir um aborto. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 12 a 13 semanas de gestação e pode ser feita na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de:You've made the choice that best suits your needs and situation, and you've been supported to do so throughout the process.Abortions are very common and one of the safest medical procedures when done under the right conditions and with the right information. Everyone regardless of their age, religion, nationality or social class deserves access to a safe abortion. safe2choose.org and IPPF offer information, support and a range of options for person-centred and rights-based abortion care.safe2choose's team of international counsellors are here to support you throughout the process at anytime.Você fala com uma pessoa da clínica membra da IPPF que te proporciona aconselhamento confidencial, sem julgamento, sobre suas opções. Ela te explica que há dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento no hospital chamado aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU) que envolve o uso de um dispositivo de sucção para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 13 semanas de gestação e leva de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso que consiste na ingestão de pílulas para induzir o aborto. Esta opção, geralmente oferecida até 12 a 13 semanas de gestação, pode ser realizada na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de: Also available in English, French, and Spanish

A positive pregnancy test

| 03 November 2021

A história do aborto de Ada

A história do aborto de AdaAcompanhe Ada para descobrir sua história. Como muitas pessoas, ela acabou de descobrir que está grávida, mas não tem condições de cuidar de outra criança. Ela decidiu fazer um aborto. Quais serão suas opções e o que ela escolherá? Reserve alguns minutos hoje para conhecer sua jornada e clique aqui para começar ...Seu nome é Ada. Você descobriu que está grávida, mas você não tem condições de cuidar de outra criança. Você decidiu fazer um aborto.O que você faz?Na internet, você descobre a https://safe2choose.org/pt/. No site, você lê sobre a atenção ao aborto disponível em seu país e sobre outras pessoas que também fizeram um aborto. Você também encontra um número de telefone gratuito de uma associação membra da IPPF em seu país que oferece informações e apoio para abortar.Você decide de:Você liga para sua amiga Maryam, que te conta que conhece muitas mulheres que fizeram um ou mais abortos. Ela diz que ela mesma fez dois. Ela dá conselhos sobre como encontrar informações online e também sobre a clínica onde ela fez seus abortos.Você decide de:Falar com uma conselheira safe2choose por chat ao vivo, ela te oferece aconselhamento confidencial e sem julgamento em seu idioma, gratuitamente. Você descobre que existem dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento no hospital denominado aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU), que inclui o uso de um dispositivo de sucção para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 13 semanas de gestação e leva cerca de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso, que consiste em tomar comprimidos para induzir um aborto. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 12 a 13 semanas de gestação e pode ser feita na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de:Você fala com um serviço de saúde membro da IPPF, que oferece aconselhamento confidencial e sem julgamento sobre suas opções. Lá, te explicam os dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você, que as conselheiras da safe2choose também haviam explicado - aborto medicamentoso com pílulas e aspiração manual a vácuo (AMIU).Você decide de:Elas explicam dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento clínico conhecido como aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU) que é realizado com um dispositivo de sucção que serve para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é comumente usada até 13 semanas de gestação e dura cerca de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso que envolve a ingestão de comprimidos para provocar o aborto. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 12 ou 13 semanas de gestação e pode ser realizada na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de:On the internet, you discover safe2choose.org and read on their website about available abortion care in your country and about others who have also had an abortion. You speak to one of their counsellors by live chat, and she offers confidential and non-judgmental counselling in your language, free of charge.You learn that there are two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks in-clinic or up to 12 weeks at home.You decide to:Você fez a escolha que melhor se adapta às suas necessidades e situação, e foi apoiada durante todo o processo. A safe2choose.org e a IPPF oferecem informações, apoio e uma gama de opções para o atendimento ao aborto centrado na pessoa e baseado em direitos para todas as pessoas, independentemente de sua idade, religião, nacionalidade ou classe social. A equipe de conselheiras internacionais da safe2choose está aqui para apoiar durante todo o processo, a qualquer momento. A IPPF oferece atendimento ao aborto de qualidade e sem julgamento através de clínicas locais, atendimento baseado na comunidade, aconselhamento remoto e apoio ao aborto medicamentoso autogerido.Para obter mais informações, por faor visite os seguintes sites:• Informações de safe2choose sobre abortamento medicamentoso e aspiração manual a vácuo (AMIU)• Vídeos curtos da IPPF sobre aborto médico e aspiração manual a vácuo (AMIU)• Marcas de pílulas abortivas disponíveis em cada país - safe2choose information and MedAb.orgVocê conversa com uma parteira em uma clínica membra da IPPF que oferece aconselhamento confidencial e sem julgamentos sobre suas opções. Ela te explica dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento clínico, chamado aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU), que inclui o uso de dispositivo de sucção para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 13 semanas de gestação e leva cerca de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso, que consiste em tomar comprimidos para induzir um aborto. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 12 a 13 semanas de gestação e pode ser feita na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de:You've made the choice that best suits your needs and situation, and you've been supported to do so throughout the process.Abortions are very common and one of the safest medical procedures when done under the right conditions and with the right information. Everyone regardless of their age, religion, nationality or social class deserves access to a safe abortion. safe2choose.org and IPPF offer information, support and a range of options for person-centred and rights-based abortion care.safe2choose's team of international counsellors are here to support you throughout the process at anytime.Você fala com uma pessoa da clínica membra da IPPF que te proporciona aconselhamento confidencial, sem julgamento, sobre suas opções. Ela te explica que há dois tipos de aborto disponíveis para você: • Um procedimento no hospital chamado aspiração manual intrauterina (AMIU) que envolve o uso de um dispositivo de sucção para remover a gravidez. Esta opção é normalmente oferecida até 13 semanas de gestação e leva de 10 a 15 minutos. • Um aborto medicamentoso que consiste na ingestão de pílulas para induzir o aborto. Esta opção, geralmente oferecida até 12 a 13 semanas de gestação, pode ser realizada na clínica ou em casa.Você decide de: Also available in English, French, and Spanish

A positive pregnancy test

| 27 September 2021

My abortion journey

Ada's abortion journeyTake a journey with Ada to discover her story. Like many people, she has just found out that she is pregnant, but she cannot afford to raise another child. She has decided to have an abortion. What will her options be, and what will she choose? Take a couple of minutes today to share her journey – click "Start" to begin...Your name is Ada. You've found out you are pregnant, but you cannot afford to raise another child. You have decided to have an abortion.What do you do?On the internet, you discover safe2choose.org and read on their website about available abortion care in your country and about others who have also had an abortion. You also find a toll-free number for an IPPF member association in your country that offers abortion information and support.You decide to:You call your friend Maryam, who explains to you that she knows many women who have had one or more abortions. She tells you that she herself has had two. She gives you advice about how to find information online, and also about the clinic where she had her abortions. You decide to:You speak to a safe2choose counsellor by live chat, and she offers confidential and non-judgmental counselling in your language, free of charge.You learn that there are two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to:You speak to an IPPF member service provider, who offers you confidential and non-judgmental counselling about your options. They explain the two types of abortion available to you, which the safe2choose counsellors had also explained – medical abortion with pills and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA).You decide to:They explain two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to:On the internet, you discover safe2choose.org and read on their website about available abortion care in your country and about others who have also had an abortion. You speak to one of their counsellors by live chat, and she offers confidential and non-judgmental counselling in your language, free of charge.You learn that there are two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks in-clinic or up to 12 weeks at home.You decide to:You've made the choice that best suits your needs and situation, and you've been supported to do so throughout the process. safe2choose.org and IPPF offer information, support and a range of options for person-centred and rights-based abortion care for everyone, regardless of their age, religion, nationality or social class. safe2choose's team of international counselors are here for support throughout the process at anytime. IPPF offers quality and non-judgmental abortion care through static clinics, community-based care, remote counseling, and support for self-managed medical abortion.For further information, please visit the following:• safe2choose's information on medical abortion and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA)• IPPF's short videos on medical abortion and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA)• Brands of medical abortion available at country level – safe2choose information and MedAb.orgYou visit a midwife at an IPPF member clinic who offers you confidential and non-judgmental counselling about your options.They explain two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to:You've made the choice that best suits your needs and situation, and you've been supported to do so throughout the process.Abortions are very common and one of the safest medical procedures when done under the right conditions and with the right information. Everyone regardless of their age, religion, nationality or social class deserves access to a safe abortion. safe2choose.org and IPPF offer information, support and a range of options for person-centred and rights-based abortion care.safe2choose's team of international counsellors are here to support you throughout the process at anytime.You speak to an IPPF member service provider, who offers you confidential and non-judgmental counselling about your options.They explain two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to: Also available in French, Spanish, and Portuguese

A positive pregnancy test

| 27 September 2021

My abortion journey

Ada's abortion journeyTake a journey with Ada to discover her story. Like many people, she has just found out that she is pregnant, but she cannot afford to raise another child. She has decided to have an abortion. What will her options be, and what will she choose? Take a couple of minutes today to share her journey – click "Start" to begin...Your name is Ada. You've found out you are pregnant, but you cannot afford to raise another child. You have decided to have an abortion.What do you do?On the internet, you discover safe2choose.org and read on their website about available abortion care in your country and about others who have also had an abortion. You also find a toll-free number for an IPPF member association in your country that offers abortion information and support.You decide to:You call your friend Maryam, who explains to you that she knows many women who have had one or more abortions. She tells you that she herself has had two. She gives you advice about how to find information online, and also about the clinic where she had her abortions. You decide to:You speak to a safe2choose counsellor by live chat, and she offers confidential and non-judgmental counselling in your language, free of charge.You learn that there are two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to:You speak to an IPPF member service provider, who offers you confidential and non-judgmental counselling about your options. They explain the two types of abortion available to you, which the safe2choose counsellors had also explained – medical abortion with pills and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA).You decide to:They explain two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to:On the internet, you discover safe2choose.org and read on their website about available abortion care in your country and about others who have also had an abortion. You speak to one of their counsellors by live chat, and she offers confidential and non-judgmental counselling in your language, free of charge.You learn that there are two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks in-clinic or up to 12 weeks at home.You decide to:You've made the choice that best suits your needs and situation, and you've been supported to do so throughout the process. safe2choose.org and IPPF offer information, support and a range of options for person-centred and rights-based abortion care for everyone, regardless of their age, religion, nationality or social class. safe2choose's team of international counselors are here for support throughout the process at anytime. IPPF offers quality and non-judgmental abortion care through static clinics, community-based care, remote counseling, and support for self-managed medical abortion.For further information, please visit the following:• safe2choose's information on medical abortion and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA)• IPPF's short videos on medical abortion and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA)• Brands of medical abortion available at country level – safe2choose information and MedAb.orgYou visit a midwife at an IPPF member clinic who offers you confidential and non-judgmental counselling about your options.They explain two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to:You've made the choice that best suits your needs and situation, and you've been supported to do so throughout the process.Abortions are very common and one of the safest medical procedures when done under the right conditions and with the right information. Everyone regardless of their age, religion, nationality or social class deserves access to a safe abortion. safe2choose.org and IPPF offer information, support and a range of options for person-centred and rights-based abortion care.safe2choose's team of international counsellors are here to support you throughout the process at anytime.You speak to an IPPF member service provider, who offers you confidential and non-judgmental counselling about your options.They explain two types of abortion available to you:• An in-clinic procedure called a manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), which includes the use of a suction device to remove the pregnancy. This option is typically offered up to 13 weeks of gestation and takes about 10-15 minutes.• A medical abortion, which involves taking pills to induce an abortion. This option is typically offered up to 12 to 13 weeks' gestation and can be managed in clinic or at home.You decide to: Also available in French, Spanish, and Portuguese

Grace M., 22, economics student, at a clinic during a follow-up appointment two months after her abortion in Cotonou, Benin

| 10 February 2021

Reducing Abortion Stigma: Global Achievements since 2014

Abortion stigma affects everyone: individuals, communities and service providers. Young women and adolescent girls bear the brunt of abortion stigma. It causes delays in people seeking abortion and stops others from accessing it, leading to unintended pregnancies. Stigma drives abortion underground, where it is more likely to be unsafe. Since 2014, the support of the David & Lucile Packard Foundation has enabled IPPF to reduce abortion stigma affecting young people around the world, working directly with Member Associations in six countries (Bénin, Burkina Faso, India, Pakistan, Ghana and Nepal). Meaningful youth participation has ensured that young people’s lived experiences were central in every aspect of this work. This project has also supported smaller ground-breaking youth-led projects in 14 different countries: Albania, Colombia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Macedonia, Nepal, Nigeria, Palestine, Puerto Rico, Sierra Leone, Spain, Tanzania and Venezuela. This document highlights the achievements and learnings from the Abortion Stigma Project between 2014 and 2020, including case studies, research and evidence generated around abortion stigma, and popular resources and tools developed throughout the project, and more. We invite you to read more on this ground-breaking work in Reducing Abortion Stigma: Global Achievements since 2014

Grace M., 22, economics student, at a clinic during a follow-up appointment two months after her abortion in Cotonou, Benin

| 10 February 2021

Reducing Abortion Stigma: Global Achievements since 2014

Abortion stigma affects everyone: individuals, communities and service providers. Young women and adolescent girls bear the brunt of abortion stigma. It causes delays in people seeking abortion and stops others from accessing it, leading to unintended pregnancies. Stigma drives abortion underground, where it is more likely to be unsafe. Since 2014, the support of the David & Lucile Packard Foundation has enabled IPPF to reduce abortion stigma affecting young people around the world, working directly with Member Associations in six countries (Bénin, Burkina Faso, India, Pakistan, Ghana and Nepal). Meaningful youth participation has ensured that young people’s lived experiences were central in every aspect of this work. This project has also supported smaller ground-breaking youth-led projects in 14 different countries: Albania, Colombia, Ghana, Guinea, Kenya, Macedonia, Nepal, Nigeria, Palestine, Puerto Rico, Sierra Leone, Spain, Tanzania and Venezuela. This document highlights the achievements and learnings from the Abortion Stigma Project between 2014 and 2020, including case studies, research and evidence generated around abortion stigma, and popular resources and tools developed throughout the project, and more. We invite you to read more on this ground-breaking work in Reducing Abortion Stigma: Global Achievements since 2014