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IPPF/Tommy Trenchard


Latest resources from across the federation and our partners


A selection of resources from across the Federation


HIV Theory of Change

Our HIV Theory of Change is to clarify the goals and vision of IPPF’s HIV programme and to articulate the different pathways and strategies IPPF uses to contribute towards its HIV goals and vision.

| 06 February 2018

Myth-busting facts about the contraceptive injection

Watch this short animation to learn more about the contraceptive injection, a contraceptive method that requires no daily action and doesn't interfere with sex.  Learn more about other methods


| 06 February 2018

Myth-busting facts about the contraceptive injection

Watch this short animation to learn more about the contraceptive injection, a contraceptive method that requires no daily action and doesn't interfere with sex.  Learn more about other methods

Female condom

| 05 January 2018

Myth-busting facts Female Condom

Learn more about the Female Condom, the only female-controlled contraceptive method that protects you against unintended pregnancies and STIs. The video is also available in Spanish 

Female condom

| 05 January 2018

Myth-busting facts Female Condom

Learn more about the Female Condom, the only female-controlled contraceptive method that protects you against unintended pregnancies and STIs. The video is also available in Spanish 

Mexfam staff offering services outside the clinic.

| 14 December 2017


Mexfam, IPPF member association in Mexico, continued to provide free healthcare during and after the record-breaking earthquakes in September 2017, despite many members of staff losing their homes and even family members. This is what resilience looks like and we thank those that continue to provide people with vital sexual and reproductive healthcare.

Mexfam staff offering services outside the clinic.

| 14 December 2017


Mexfam, IPPF member association in Mexico, continued to provide free healthcare during and after the record-breaking earthquakes in September 2017, despite many members of staff losing their homes and even family members. This is what resilience looks like and we thank those that continue to provide people with vital sexual and reproductive healthcare.


| 29 November 2017

Tackling HIV stigma through music

Milan Khadka once suffered discrimination within his community when they found out he was living with HIV. He is now a community home-based care mobiliser with Family Planning Association of Nepal. He uses his music to educate the youth about HIV and to confront the stigma around HIV. Read Milan's story


| 29 November 2017

Tackling HIV stigma through music

Milan Khadka once suffered discrimination within his community when they found out he was living with HIV. He is now a community home-based care mobiliser with Family Planning Association of Nepal. He uses his music to educate the youth about HIV and to confront the stigma around HIV. Read Milan's story

Scene from the video "The contraceptive challenge III"

| 27 October 2017

The Contraceptive challenge III: the displaced woman

For displaced women, access to unbiased information and services is a real challenge. IPPF member associations reach women in humanitarian settings to ensure that they have the information and care they need to freely decide abut their health. 

Scene from the video "The contraceptive challenge III"

| 27 October 2017

The Contraceptive challenge III: the displaced woman

For displaced women, access to unbiased information and services is a real challenge. IPPF member associations reach women in humanitarian settings to ensure that they have the information and care they need to freely decide abut their health. 

Contraceptive challenge 2: the young girl

| 11 October 2017

The contraceptive challenge II: The Young Girl

Access to contraception should never be a challenge, yet young people face stigma and barriers when they try to access to contraceptive care and information. At IPPF, we know that the lack of sexual and reproductive health care is not a game. We work with and for young people to ensure them the healthcare and education they need, so they can focus on a more important challenge: achieving their dreams.     

Contraceptive challenge 2: the young girl

| 11 October 2017

The contraceptive challenge II: The Young Girl

Access to contraception should never be a challenge, yet young people face stigma and barriers when they try to access to contraceptive care and information. At IPPF, we know that the lack of sexual and reproductive health care is not a game. We work with and for young people to ensure them the healthcare and education they need, so they can focus on a more important challenge: achieving their dreams.     


| 06 February 2018

Myth-busting facts about the contraceptive injection

Watch this short animation to learn more about the contraceptive injection, a contraceptive method that requires no daily action and doesn't interfere with sex.  Learn more about other methods


| 06 February 2018

Myth-busting facts about the contraceptive injection

Watch this short animation to learn more about the contraceptive injection, a contraceptive method that requires no daily action and doesn't interfere with sex.  Learn more about other methods

Female condom

| 05 January 2018

Myth-busting facts Female Condom

Learn more about the Female Condom, the only female-controlled contraceptive method that protects you against unintended pregnancies and STIs. The video is also available in Spanish 

Female condom

| 05 January 2018

Myth-busting facts Female Condom

Learn more about the Female Condom, the only female-controlled contraceptive method that protects you against unintended pregnancies and STIs. The video is also available in Spanish 

Mexfam staff offering services outside the clinic.

| 14 December 2017


Mexfam, IPPF member association in Mexico, continued to provide free healthcare during and after the record-breaking earthquakes in September 2017, despite many members of staff losing their homes and even family members. This is what resilience looks like and we thank those that continue to provide people with vital sexual and reproductive healthcare.

Mexfam staff offering services outside the clinic.

| 14 December 2017


Mexfam, IPPF member association in Mexico, continued to provide free healthcare during and after the record-breaking earthquakes in September 2017, despite many members of staff losing their homes and even family members. This is what resilience looks like and we thank those that continue to provide people with vital sexual and reproductive healthcare.


| 29 November 2017

Tackling HIV stigma through music

Milan Khadka once suffered discrimination within his community when they found out he was living with HIV. He is now a community home-based care mobiliser with Family Planning Association of Nepal. He uses his music to educate the youth about HIV and to confront the stigma around HIV. Read Milan's story


| 29 November 2017

Tackling HIV stigma through music

Milan Khadka once suffered discrimination within his community when they found out he was living with HIV. He is now a community home-based care mobiliser with Family Planning Association of Nepal. He uses his music to educate the youth about HIV and to confront the stigma around HIV. Read Milan's story

Scene from the video "The contraceptive challenge III"

| 27 October 2017

The Contraceptive challenge III: the displaced woman

For displaced women, access to unbiased information and services is a real challenge. IPPF member associations reach women in humanitarian settings to ensure that they have the information and care they need to freely decide abut their health. 

Scene from the video "The contraceptive challenge III"

| 27 October 2017

The Contraceptive challenge III: the displaced woman

For displaced women, access to unbiased information and services is a real challenge. IPPF member associations reach women in humanitarian settings to ensure that they have the information and care they need to freely decide abut their health. 

Contraceptive challenge 2: the young girl

| 11 October 2017

The contraceptive challenge II: The Young Girl

Access to contraception should never be a challenge, yet young people face stigma and barriers when they try to access to contraceptive care and information. At IPPF, we know that the lack of sexual and reproductive health care is not a game. We work with and for young people to ensure them the healthcare and education they need, so they can focus on a more important challenge: achieving their dreams.     

Contraceptive challenge 2: the young girl

| 11 October 2017

The contraceptive challenge II: The Young Girl

Access to contraception should never be a challenge, yet young people face stigma and barriers when they try to access to contraceptive care and information. At IPPF, we know that the lack of sexual and reproductive health care is not a game. We work with and for young people to ensure them the healthcare and education they need, so they can focus on a more important challenge: achieving their dreams.