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Latest stories from IPPF


A selection of stories from across the Federation

Abortion Rights: Latest Decisions and Developments around the World

France, Germany, Poland, United Kingdom, United States, Colombia, India, Tunisia


Abortion Rights: Latest Decisions and Developments around the World

The global landscape of abortion rights continues to evolve in 2024, with new legislation and feminist movements fighting for better access. Let's take a trip around the world to see the latest developments.

| 24 June 2021

Changing mindsets through medicine and motivation

“You work with people who have HIV? Why?” That was the question Dr. Gregory Boyce was asked by the young intern that stood before him. He had come to the hospital ward to visit a client who was known to be living with HIV. He approached the intern at the desk and gave his name and designation. The intern looked at him, confused and somewhat amused and asked the question that he has neither forgotten, nor understood to this day.   However, this young intern’s question comes from a mindset that Dr. Boyce is working fervently to change. As Deputy Director of the Medical Research Foundation of Trinidad and Tobago (MRF), Dr. Boyce provides clinical and administrative support to a team of doctors and nurses providing care to their clients who are living with HIV. Due to MRF’s long-standing work in HIV research and healthcare, the Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago (FPATT), has referred many clients to Dr. Boyce and his team, and especially clients from the LGBTI+ community.   Providing specialist care and support  “Persons coming to us from key populations, have very layered needs. They are facing unique challenges in addition to living with the virus. There is still that myth that being HIV positive means that you will positively die. Added to that, there’s the discrimination that the community faces in every aspect of their lives on a daily basis. As a staff, we’ve had to seek special training to guide the way we interact with these clients so that we can meet all their needs appropriately and sensitively,” explains Dr. Boyce.   “Apart from medical interventions which are needed to ensure that our clients continue to live healthy lives, we focus heavily on their psychosocial needs. It’s easy to think that because a client is physically healthy that they are also emotionally healthy. We have clients that won’t leave abusive relationships because they think no one else would accept them. We have other clients that are dealing with long-term medication fatigue because they have been taking pills for over 10 years. With that sometimes comes depression and other drug addictions, which is why it’s necessary for us to maintain open and honest relationships to address those accompanying issues.”  Making HIV a non-issue  Dr Boyce has been committed to providing treatment and care to clients living with HIV for over 20 years. He had worked at the Port of Spain General Hospital after graduating, during which time, medicine for persons living with HIV was expensive and out of reach for many. A few years later, through government programmes, medicine became more affordable, and treatment centres were opening up across the island. However, Dr. Boyce realized that the mortality rate had not changed by much. He wondered why people were still dying from a virus when medicine was easily accessible.   “That first conversation – giving a client the news that they’ve tested positive – is very important. We get to show them that HIV is not an impediment. Most times, with the wrong information, they start to draw up a list of things that they can no longer do, like go after a promotion or start a family. Then they go through life shrunken and unrecognizable, not the person they once were. So to answer that intern’s question about why I work with persons living with HIV: I want to make HIV a non-issue,” he states.    Dr. Boyce hopes to see HIV disclosure become as acceptable as other chronic illnesses such as cancer or diabetes, where an entire family would work towards caring for the affected person, instead of alienating them. He also hopes to see more inclusion and tolerance towards persons living with HIV, especially those within the LGBTI+ community.   “Until a gay or transgender person can walk the streets freely and not be jeered at by passers-by, we still have a long way to go. Until they can access treatment at any public facility without fear or judgment, we have a lot of work to do. It would take a lot of education to change the stigma and discrimination but there is absolutely no reason why another person’s life should be miserable because their expression is different to ours.”   He commends the work of FPATT in upholding the sexual and reproductive health and rights of the LGBTI+ community, through ensuring that they have a safe and non-judgmental environment for treatment and care. He says that the Medical Research Foundation values the great relationship that the two organizations have had for years, even as FPATT works towards becoming its own full-service antiretroviral treatment site for persons living with HIV.    


| 18 April 2024

Changing mindsets through medicine and motivation

“You work with people who have HIV? Why?” That was the question Dr. Gregory Boyce was asked by the young intern that stood before him. He had come to the hospital ward to visit a client who was known to be living with HIV. He approached the intern at the desk and gave his name and designation. The intern looked at him, confused and somewhat amused and asked the question that he has neither forgotten, nor understood to this day.   However, this young intern’s question comes from a mindset that Dr. Boyce is working fervently to change. As Deputy Director of the Medical Research Foundation of Trinidad and Tobago (MRF), Dr. Boyce provides clinical and administrative support to a team of doctors and nurses providing care to their clients who are living with HIV. Due to MRF’s long-standing work in HIV research and healthcare, the Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago (FPATT), has referred many clients to Dr. Boyce and his team, and especially clients from the LGBTI+ community.   Providing specialist care and support  “Persons coming to us from key populations, have very layered needs. They are facing unique challenges in addition to living with the virus. There is still that myth that being HIV positive means that you will positively die. Added to that, there’s the discrimination that the community faces in every aspect of their lives on a daily basis. As a staff, we’ve had to seek special training to guide the way we interact with these clients so that we can meet all their needs appropriately and sensitively,” explains Dr. Boyce.   “Apart from medical interventions which are needed to ensure that our clients continue to live healthy lives, we focus heavily on their psychosocial needs. It’s easy to think that because a client is physically healthy that they are also emotionally healthy. We have clients that won’t leave abusive relationships because they think no one else would accept them. We have other clients that are dealing with long-term medication fatigue because they have been taking pills for over 10 years. With that sometimes comes depression and other drug addictions, which is why it’s necessary for us to maintain open and honest relationships to address those accompanying issues.”  Making HIV a non-issue  Dr Boyce has been committed to providing treatment and care to clients living with HIV for over 20 years. He had worked at the Port of Spain General Hospital after graduating, during which time, medicine for persons living with HIV was expensive and out of reach for many. A few years later, through government programmes, medicine became more affordable, and treatment centres were opening up across the island. However, Dr. Boyce realized that the mortality rate had not changed by much. He wondered why people were still dying from a virus when medicine was easily accessible.   “That first conversation – giving a client the news that they’ve tested positive – is very important. We get to show them that HIV is not an impediment. Most times, with the wrong information, they start to draw up a list of things that they can no longer do, like go after a promotion or start a family. Then they go through life shrunken and unrecognizable, not the person they once were. So to answer that intern’s question about why I work with persons living with HIV: I want to make HIV a non-issue,” he states.    Dr. Boyce hopes to see HIV disclosure become as acceptable as other chronic illnesses such as cancer or diabetes, where an entire family would work towards caring for the affected person, instead of alienating them. He also hopes to see more inclusion and tolerance towards persons living with HIV, especially those within the LGBTI+ community.   “Until a gay or transgender person can walk the streets freely and not be jeered at by passers-by, we still have a long way to go. Until they can access treatment at any public facility without fear or judgment, we have a lot of work to do. It would take a lot of education to change the stigma and discrimination but there is absolutely no reason why another person’s life should be miserable because their expression is different to ours.”   He commends the work of FPATT in upholding the sexual and reproductive health and rights of the LGBTI+ community, through ensuring that they have a safe and non-judgmental environment for treatment and care. He says that the Medical Research Foundation values the great relationship that the two organizations have had for years, even as FPATT works towards becoming its own full-service antiretroviral treatment site for persons living with HIV.    

Healthcare worker

| 24 June 2021

Ensuring care for Trinidad and Tobago's LGBTI+ community

Public perceptions, a lack of education, and government policies contribute to the barriers and challenges to achieving equality for all. In a country as diverse as Trinidad and Tobago, this is especially acute for certain key populations, including the LGBTI+ community.  For Brandy Rodriguez, Healthcare Navigator at the Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago (FPATT), the struggle is both real and personal. In 1999, Brandy began her transition to womanhood and since 2006 has been working with FPATT in their HIV programme for the LGBTI+ community.    “Back in 2004, very little was said about HIV infection, transmission and prevention. In fact, if there was any information, it was misconstrued and meant to stigmatize the LGBTI+ community. I was fairly new to the transgender community, so I made it a mission to research and find out the truths behind HIV and how I could protect myself. I then felt like I had to share what I found with others who were searching as well,” she said.  Overcoming prejudice and stigma   That’s when FPATT asked Brandy to join their team in educating the LGBTI+ community on the types of healthcare available. Stigma surrounding the community forced many to stay hidden and avoid seeking care. Even if a member of the LGBTI+ community wanted to test for their HIV status, they would never dare to go into a public health centre, because of the fear of being judged by the healthcare professionals.    “It’s a simple case of this. When a transgender or non-binary person walks into a health centre or hospital, and the triage nurse has to fill in a form that asks for gender, the only two options there are male and female. So usually, the non-binary person knows that if they want to access that healthcare, free of judgement, they would have to dress as the gender that would bring less attention. At the end of the day, the healthcare provider does not receive accurate information about the client, and the client doesn’t receive the scope of assessment and treatment that may be necessary. So part of what I do, is to simply accompany the client to the appointment so that it’s a less stressful experience and they don’t feel like they are alone,” says Brandy.   The importance of access to HIV treatment and care Apart from a great lack of healthcare professionals that are willing to treat the LGBTI+ community non-judgementally, the community also lacks social support. Most of the members of the community face barriers to housing and employment, which often means earning a livelihood through sex work. Over 95% of skilled and employable persons within the LGBTI+ community have turned to sex work because they are constantly denied employment within other industries.   “When I began my transition, I was fortunate to have the support of my family; they understood my heart and my need to be my authentic self. Not everyone has that support and so some either migrate or are left homeless because of the fact. Having to work within the sex industry means that they are now at greater risk for HIV or other STIs. My job as an Educator and Navigator is to promote condom use and ensure that they make use of FPATT’s regular HIV testing. If they do test positive, we then have that conversation about U=U, which means that if they [their HIV viral load] are undetectable, they will be untransferable, and then get them to that place of undetectability.”    Brandy explains that being undetectable means that the client’s viral load is suppressed, and they are living healthy lives. The team works hard to ensure clients living with HIV enrol in the FPATT Programme, which supports the importance of adhering to consistent treatment, healthy eating, and rest. As well as testing, the Programme offers sexual and reproductive health education on prevention against STIs and both group and one-to-one sessions to anyone who needs it.  Advocating for support  FPATT has, for many years, advocated for the sexual and reproductive rights of the LGBTI+ community, ensuring that it remains a safe place for HIV testing and counselling. It holds a vision of a world where gender or sexuality are no longer a source of inequality or stigma.   FPATT is poised to become a full-service HIV treatment site, offering antiretroviral treatment as well as psychosocial services for persons affected by HIV. FPATT’s goal is to stop discrimination and stigma against persons living with HIV and ultimately end the spread of HIV within Trinidad and Tobago by 2030.    

Healthcare worker

| 18 April 2024

Ensuring care for Trinidad and Tobago's LGBTI+ community

Public perceptions, a lack of education, and government policies contribute to the barriers and challenges to achieving equality for all. In a country as diverse as Trinidad and Tobago, this is especially acute for certain key populations, including the LGBTI+ community.  For Brandy Rodriguez, Healthcare Navigator at the Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago (FPATT), the struggle is both real and personal. In 1999, Brandy began her transition to womanhood and since 2006 has been working with FPATT in their HIV programme for the LGBTI+ community.    “Back in 2004, very little was said about HIV infection, transmission and prevention. In fact, if there was any information, it was misconstrued and meant to stigmatize the LGBTI+ community. I was fairly new to the transgender community, so I made it a mission to research and find out the truths behind HIV and how I could protect myself. I then felt like I had to share what I found with others who were searching as well,” she said.  Overcoming prejudice and stigma   That’s when FPATT asked Brandy to join their team in educating the LGBTI+ community on the types of healthcare available. Stigma surrounding the community forced many to stay hidden and avoid seeking care. Even if a member of the LGBTI+ community wanted to test for their HIV status, they would never dare to go into a public health centre, because of the fear of being judged by the healthcare professionals.    “It’s a simple case of this. When a transgender or non-binary person walks into a health centre or hospital, and the triage nurse has to fill in a form that asks for gender, the only two options there are male and female. So usually, the non-binary person knows that if they want to access that healthcare, free of judgement, they would have to dress as the gender that would bring less attention. At the end of the day, the healthcare provider does not receive accurate information about the client, and the client doesn’t receive the scope of assessment and treatment that may be necessary. So part of what I do, is to simply accompany the client to the appointment so that it’s a less stressful experience and they don’t feel like they are alone,” says Brandy.   The importance of access to HIV treatment and care Apart from a great lack of healthcare professionals that are willing to treat the LGBTI+ community non-judgementally, the community also lacks social support. Most of the members of the community face barriers to housing and employment, which often means earning a livelihood through sex work. Over 95% of skilled and employable persons within the LGBTI+ community have turned to sex work because they are constantly denied employment within other industries.   “When I began my transition, I was fortunate to have the support of my family; they understood my heart and my need to be my authentic self. Not everyone has that support and so some either migrate or are left homeless because of the fact. Having to work within the sex industry means that they are now at greater risk for HIV or other STIs. My job as an Educator and Navigator is to promote condom use and ensure that they make use of FPATT’s regular HIV testing. If they do test positive, we then have that conversation about U=U, which means that if they [their HIV viral load] are undetectable, they will be untransferable, and then get them to that place of undetectability.”    Brandy explains that being undetectable means that the client’s viral load is suppressed, and they are living healthy lives. The team works hard to ensure clients living with HIV enrol in the FPATT Programme, which supports the importance of adhering to consistent treatment, healthy eating, and rest. As well as testing, the Programme offers sexual and reproductive health education on prevention against STIs and both group and one-to-one sessions to anyone who needs it.  Advocating for support  FPATT has, for many years, advocated for the sexual and reproductive rights of the LGBTI+ community, ensuring that it remains a safe place for HIV testing and counselling. It holds a vision of a world where gender or sexuality are no longer a source of inequality or stigma.   FPATT is poised to become a full-service HIV treatment site, offering antiretroviral treatment as well as psychosocial services for persons affected by HIV. FPATT’s goal is to stop discrimination and stigma against persons living with HIV and ultimately end the spread of HIV within Trinidad and Tobago by 2030.    

Midwife Rewda Kedir examines a newborn baby and mother in a health center outside of Jimma, Ethiopia

| 16 July 2020

"Before, there was no safe abortion"

Rewda Kedir works as a midwife in a rural area of the Oromia region in southwest Ethiopia. Only 14% of married women are using any method of contraception here.  The government hospital Rewda works in is supported to provide a full range of sexual and reproductive healthcare, which includes providing free contraceptives and comprehensive abortion care. In January 2017, the maternal healthcare clinic faced shortages of contraceptives after the US administration reactivated and expanded the Global Gag Rule, which does not allow any funding to go to organizations associated with providing abortion care. Fortunately in this case, the shortages only lasted a month due to the government of the Netherlands stepping in and matching lost funding. “Before, we had a shortage of contraceptive pills and emergency contraceptives. We would have to give people prescriptions and they would go to private clinics and where they had to pay," Rewda tells us. "When I first came to this clinic, there was a real shortage of people trained in family planning. I was the only one. Now there are many people trained on family planning, and when I’m not here, people can help." "There used to be a shortage of choice and alternatives, and now there are many. And the implant procedures are better because there are newer products that are much smaller so putting them in is less invasive.” Opening a dialogue on contraception  The hospital has been providing medical abortions for six years. “Before, there was no safe abortion," says Rewda. She explains how people would go to 'traditional' healers and then come to the clinic with complications like sepsis, bleeding, anaemia and toxic shock. If they had complications or infections above nine weeks, Rewda and her colleagues would send them to Jimma, the regional capital. "Before, it was very difficult to persuade them to use family planning, and we had to have a lot of conversations. Now, they come 45 days after delivery to speak to us about this and get their babies immunised," she explains. "They want contraceptives to space out their children. Sometimes their husbands don’t like them coming to get family planning so we have to lock their appointment cards away. Their husbands want more children and they think that women who do not keep having their children will go with other men." "More kids, more wealth" Rewda tells us that they've used family counselling to try and persuade men to reconsider their ideas about contraception, by explaining to them that continuously giving birth under unsafe circumstances can affect a woman's health and might lead to maternal death, damage the uterus and lead to long-term complications. "Here, people believe that more kids means more wealth, and religion restricts family planning services. Before, they did not have good training on family planning and abortion. Now, women that have abortions get proper care and the counseling and education has improved. There are still unsafe abortions but they have really reduced. We used to see about 40 a year and now it’s one or two." However, problems still exist. "There are some complications, like irregular bleeding from some contraceptives," Rewda says, and that "women still face conflict with their husbands over family planning and sometimes have to go to court to fight this or divorce them.”

Midwife Rewda Kedir examines a newborn baby and mother in a health center outside of Jimma, Ethiopia

| 18 April 2024

"Before, there was no safe abortion"

Rewda Kedir works as a midwife in a rural area of the Oromia region in southwest Ethiopia. Only 14% of married women are using any method of contraception here.  The government hospital Rewda works in is supported to provide a full range of sexual and reproductive healthcare, which includes providing free contraceptives and comprehensive abortion care. In January 2017, the maternal healthcare clinic faced shortages of contraceptives after the US administration reactivated and expanded the Global Gag Rule, which does not allow any funding to go to organizations associated with providing abortion care. Fortunately in this case, the shortages only lasted a month due to the government of the Netherlands stepping in and matching lost funding. “Before, we had a shortage of contraceptive pills and emergency contraceptives. We would have to give people prescriptions and they would go to private clinics and where they had to pay," Rewda tells us. "When I first came to this clinic, there was a real shortage of people trained in family planning. I was the only one. Now there are many people trained on family planning, and when I’m not here, people can help." "There used to be a shortage of choice and alternatives, and now there are many. And the implant procedures are better because there are newer products that are much smaller so putting them in is less invasive.” Opening a dialogue on contraception  The hospital has been providing medical abortions for six years. “Before, there was no safe abortion," says Rewda. She explains how people would go to 'traditional' healers and then come to the clinic with complications like sepsis, bleeding, anaemia and toxic shock. If they had complications or infections above nine weeks, Rewda and her colleagues would send them to Jimma, the regional capital. "Before, it was very difficult to persuade them to use family planning, and we had to have a lot of conversations. Now, they come 45 days after delivery to speak to us about this and get their babies immunised," she explains. "They want contraceptives to space out their children. Sometimes their husbands don’t like them coming to get family planning so we have to lock their appointment cards away. Their husbands want more children and they think that women who do not keep having their children will go with other men." "More kids, more wealth" Rewda tells us that they've used family counselling to try and persuade men to reconsider their ideas about contraception, by explaining to them that continuously giving birth under unsafe circumstances can affect a woman's health and might lead to maternal death, damage the uterus and lead to long-term complications. "Here, people believe that more kids means more wealth, and religion restricts family planning services. Before, they did not have good training on family planning and abortion. Now, women that have abortions get proper care and the counseling and education has improved. There are still unsafe abortions but they have really reduced. We used to see about 40 a year and now it’s one or two." However, problems still exist. "There are some complications, like irregular bleeding from some contraceptives," Rewda says, and that "women still face conflict with their husbands over family planning and sometimes have to go to court to fight this or divorce them.”


| 08 August 2018

“We are losing precious time"

In November 2017,  Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) received the news that they must cease all USAID funded programmes. The stop order was a result of the 'Global Gag Rule' (GGR), also referred to as the Mexico City Policy. The reinstatement of the policy has resulted in Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia losing 46% of its funding. You can learn more about the Global Gag Rule here. “When I lost my job as service delivery manager [at PPAZ USAID's Open Doors project], I felt like a part of me had died, I’m very passionate about this. I look forward to seeing a day where everybody will be free to access health services without stigma and discrimination, especially public health facilities. That’s what I’d like to see, [I] want to see integrated services, being provided to key populations, without stigma and discrimination, and fear of being arrested." The Global Gag Rule The reinstatement of the ‘Global Gag Rule’ resulted in the termination of Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia grant for the USAID Open Doors being terminated.  Chipili says “We didn’t expect its implementation to come with the termination of the grants suddenly. We thought that we were going to be given time, a year, one year to work and complete the project and hand over to the partner that was going to take over the responsibilities that Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia handled.” The termination of the project means progress that has been made, especially the work done to help reduce the number of HIV and STIs cases among the key populations will be undone. Progress, that is desperately needed to meet Zambia’s targets on HIV reduction. “We are losing precious time. We have got targets to meet as a nation, we need to ensure that by 2020 we reach the 90/90 goals, set by UNAIDS, and also the country has a broader vision of eliminating the threat of HIV, HIV as a public threat by 2030. So if we have such stumbling blocks, then the targets might not be met.  And then these key populations are also linked with the general population, we have men who sex with men, they also have partners, some of them are married, and if we don’t get into their networks, HIV and STIs will end up in the general population, therefore putting everybody at risk." Other impacts have been the increased vulnerability and the lost investment of peer promoters from the key populations and loss of safety and security that was provided by the organization.  Loss of safety and security “For safety and security, key populations cannot freely go to facilities they don’t know very well. The clinic setup was the most ideal set up for them. No one would question them, because this is open to everybody. But now what the project is doing, they are renting houses, the USAID is renting houses where they are providing services, so a house is very different from a clinic, that also affects the element of sustainability. The element of sustainability has also been lost because PPAZ has been here for a long time, since 1972, so we were hoping that the project was going to build the capacity for PPAZ to continue providing services to key populations that are free from stigma and discrimination. That has been lost. To me it’s a lost opportunity.” The Zambia National AIDS/HIV Strategic Framework for 2017 to 2021, bears a strong emphasis on leaving no one behind when it comes to stopping the HIV/AIDS epidemic. “No one should be left behind, if we are to reduce HIV infections to zero, if this is not done, the dream, the vision will not be achieved, we cannot afford to start pointing fingers, we have to use the public health approach and eliminate the risk of HIV infection amidst our people”.


| 18 April 2024

“We are losing precious time"

In November 2017,  Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) received the news that they must cease all USAID funded programmes. The stop order was a result of the 'Global Gag Rule' (GGR), also referred to as the Mexico City Policy. The reinstatement of the policy has resulted in Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia losing 46% of its funding. You can learn more about the Global Gag Rule here. “When I lost my job as service delivery manager [at PPAZ USAID's Open Doors project], I felt like a part of me had died, I’m very passionate about this. I look forward to seeing a day where everybody will be free to access health services without stigma and discrimination, especially public health facilities. That’s what I’d like to see, [I] want to see integrated services, being provided to key populations, without stigma and discrimination, and fear of being arrested." The Global Gag Rule The reinstatement of the ‘Global Gag Rule’ resulted in the termination of Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia grant for the USAID Open Doors being terminated.  Chipili says “We didn’t expect its implementation to come with the termination of the grants suddenly. We thought that we were going to be given time, a year, one year to work and complete the project and hand over to the partner that was going to take over the responsibilities that Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia handled.” The termination of the project means progress that has been made, especially the work done to help reduce the number of HIV and STIs cases among the key populations will be undone. Progress, that is desperately needed to meet Zambia’s targets on HIV reduction. “We are losing precious time. We have got targets to meet as a nation, we need to ensure that by 2020 we reach the 90/90 goals, set by UNAIDS, and also the country has a broader vision of eliminating the threat of HIV, HIV as a public threat by 2030. So if we have such stumbling blocks, then the targets might not be met.  And then these key populations are also linked with the general population, we have men who sex with men, they also have partners, some of them are married, and if we don’t get into their networks, HIV and STIs will end up in the general population, therefore putting everybody at risk." Other impacts have been the increased vulnerability and the lost investment of peer promoters from the key populations and loss of safety and security that was provided by the organization.  Loss of safety and security “For safety and security, key populations cannot freely go to facilities they don’t know very well. The clinic setup was the most ideal set up for them. No one would question them, because this is open to everybody. But now what the project is doing, they are renting houses, the USAID is renting houses where they are providing services, so a house is very different from a clinic, that also affects the element of sustainability. The element of sustainability has also been lost because PPAZ has been here for a long time, since 1972, so we were hoping that the project was going to build the capacity for PPAZ to continue providing services to key populations that are free from stigma and discrimination. That has been lost. To me it’s a lost opportunity.” The Zambia National AIDS/HIV Strategic Framework for 2017 to 2021, bears a strong emphasis on leaving no one behind when it comes to stopping the HIV/AIDS epidemic. “No one should be left behind, if we are to reduce HIV infections to zero, if this is not done, the dream, the vision will not be achieved, we cannot afford to start pointing fingers, we have to use the public health approach and eliminate the risk of HIV infection amidst our people”.

Thomas, 34 years old, former PPAZ peer educator and counsellor

| 08 August 2018

"The community really appreciated the services we were offering"

In November 2017,  Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) received the news that they must cease all USAID funded programmes. The stop order was a result of the 'Global Gag Rule' (GGR), also referred to as the Mexico City Policy. The reinstatement of the policy has resulted in Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia losing 46% of its funding. You can learn more about the Global Gag Rule here. "My name is Thomas, I’m 34 years old. At PPAZ I worked as a peer educator and counsellor, I used to work on the outreach programmes in the community to offer access to health services like voluntary counselling and testing, we also used to sensitize women on the importance of family planning. We also used to refer women we would find had different problems, to the facilities so they can access health services. We also used to help by giving information on things like HIV prevention and signs and symptoms to look out for.  At other times, since the places were very far, we would take the services from the facilities to where the people were, so PPAZ used to help us do that.  I was at the clinic when they came to tell us that PPAZ would no longer be involved in the project because the funding had been stopped. It was a challenge for us because the services that people had become accustomed to in the communities, HIV counselling and testing services levels reduced because we couldn’t manage to go and take these services to them in the places where they live.  When we worked with PPAZ we used to put condoms in these places for them, in the bars and taverns, and even pool tables. Now that PPAZ is gone, the government cannot meet the supply of condoms needed in these places, even the services can’t be offered on the same scale. Unable to meet needs in rural areas Like you can see here, I look after my grandmother and other family members and that money [peer educators' allowance] used to go a long way in helping us look after our children and buy food, and other things. At the moment it is very difficult. Nyangwena is a very big place, it also includes 14 villages, so there are many people in this area. With the money that we were given through PPAZ, my friend and I would manage to get tyres for a bicycle and go to these places, we’d cycle distances as far as 14Km away. It was very helpful; the community really appreciated the services we were offering because we used to take them to the people. We would be very happy if PPAZ were to start them again because we would really help our communities a great deal with these services. Even school children would go and access them, at the youth-friendly corner twice a week. Information is really needed amongst these school children."

Thomas, 34 years old, former PPAZ peer educator and counsellor

| 18 April 2024

"The community really appreciated the services we were offering"

In November 2017,  Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) received the news that they must cease all USAID funded programmes. The stop order was a result of the 'Global Gag Rule' (GGR), also referred to as the Mexico City Policy. The reinstatement of the policy has resulted in Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia losing 46% of its funding. You can learn more about the Global Gag Rule here. "My name is Thomas, I’m 34 years old. At PPAZ I worked as a peer educator and counsellor, I used to work on the outreach programmes in the community to offer access to health services like voluntary counselling and testing, we also used to sensitize women on the importance of family planning. We also used to refer women we would find had different problems, to the facilities so they can access health services. We also used to help by giving information on things like HIV prevention and signs and symptoms to look out for.  At other times, since the places were very far, we would take the services from the facilities to where the people were, so PPAZ used to help us do that.  I was at the clinic when they came to tell us that PPAZ would no longer be involved in the project because the funding had been stopped. It was a challenge for us because the services that people had become accustomed to in the communities, HIV counselling and testing services levels reduced because we couldn’t manage to go and take these services to them in the places where they live.  When we worked with PPAZ we used to put condoms in these places for them, in the bars and taverns, and even pool tables. Now that PPAZ is gone, the government cannot meet the supply of condoms needed in these places, even the services can’t be offered on the same scale. Unable to meet needs in rural areas Like you can see here, I look after my grandmother and other family members and that money [peer educators' allowance] used to go a long way in helping us look after our children and buy food, and other things. At the moment it is very difficult. Nyangwena is a very big place, it also includes 14 villages, so there are many people in this area. With the money that we were given through PPAZ, my friend and I would manage to get tyres for a bicycle and go to these places, we’d cycle distances as far as 14Km away. It was very helpful; the community really appreciated the services we were offering because we used to take them to the people. We would be very happy if PPAZ were to start them again because we would really help our communities a great deal with these services. Even school children would go and access them, at the youth-friendly corner twice a week. Information is really needed amongst these school children."

Joyce, HIV positive and PPAZ client

| 08 August 2018

"If I hadn’t come at that time to get help I would have been seriously ill"

In November 2017,  Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) received the news that they must cease all USAID funded programmes. The stop order was a result of the 'Global Gag Rule' (GGR), also referred to as the Mexico City Policy. The reinstatement of the policy has resulted in Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia losing 46% of its funding. You can learn more about the Global Gag Rule here. “My name is Joyce. I live in Sopoloyi with my grandmother. I tested positive for HIV, around November, but was doubtful about starting treatment. I stayed away for three months and came back in January, to retest, when they asked if I wanted to start treatment right away, I refused, because I wasn’t ready.  I told my sister what happened and explained that I had tested positive for HIV, so she advised me to go back and start treatment as soon as possible, because the longer I waited the more I was wasting away.   I returned to the clinic and I was given medication for two weeks. I was changed and put on another course for a month. I would go back every two weeks to get medication, then gradually I was given a course for two months. From the time I commenced treatment till now, there’s a clear difference, my body is slowly coming back to normal. I felt very safe, I was happy that they protected me, if I hadn’t come at that time to get help I would have been seriously ill, the medication wouldn’t have helped me at all, but now I have been on medication I feel much better and my body is also getting better. They are still giving me medication. They need to continue giving us the medicines and the information, because at least they tell us that once we start we are not supposed to skip any dose, even when you feel fit, you can’t stop because the virus multiplies everyday by a thousand, so the more you take your medication it keeps the virus levels low, so I would say they need to continue. All I am asking is that they don’t stop giving us this treatment because a lot of people will suffer or even die without these medicines.”

Joyce, HIV positive and PPAZ client

| 18 April 2024

"If I hadn’t come at that time to get help I would have been seriously ill"

In November 2017,  Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) received the news that they must cease all USAID funded programmes. The stop order was a result of the 'Global Gag Rule' (GGR), also referred to as the Mexico City Policy. The reinstatement of the policy has resulted in Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia losing 46% of its funding. You can learn more about the Global Gag Rule here. “My name is Joyce. I live in Sopoloyi with my grandmother. I tested positive for HIV, around November, but was doubtful about starting treatment. I stayed away for three months and came back in January, to retest, when they asked if I wanted to start treatment right away, I refused, because I wasn’t ready.  I told my sister what happened and explained that I had tested positive for HIV, so she advised me to go back and start treatment as soon as possible, because the longer I waited the more I was wasting away.   I returned to the clinic and I was given medication for two weeks. I was changed and put on another course for a month. I would go back every two weeks to get medication, then gradually I was given a course for two months. From the time I commenced treatment till now, there’s a clear difference, my body is slowly coming back to normal. I felt very safe, I was happy that they protected me, if I hadn’t come at that time to get help I would have been seriously ill, the medication wouldn’t have helped me at all, but now I have been on medication I feel much better and my body is also getting better. They are still giving me medication. They need to continue giving us the medicines and the information, because at least they tell us that once we start we are not supposed to skip any dose, even when you feel fit, you can’t stop because the virus multiplies everyday by a thousand, so the more you take your medication it keeps the virus levels low, so I would say they need to continue. All I am asking is that they don’t stop giving us this treatment because a lot of people will suffer or even die without these medicines.”


| 24 June 2021

Changing mindsets through medicine and motivation

“You work with people who have HIV? Why?” That was the question Dr. Gregory Boyce was asked by the young intern that stood before him. He had come to the hospital ward to visit a client who was known to be living with HIV. He approached the intern at the desk and gave his name and designation. The intern looked at him, confused and somewhat amused and asked the question that he has neither forgotten, nor understood to this day.   However, this young intern’s question comes from a mindset that Dr. Boyce is working fervently to change. As Deputy Director of the Medical Research Foundation of Trinidad and Tobago (MRF), Dr. Boyce provides clinical and administrative support to a team of doctors and nurses providing care to their clients who are living with HIV. Due to MRF’s long-standing work in HIV research and healthcare, the Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago (FPATT), has referred many clients to Dr. Boyce and his team, and especially clients from the LGBTI+ community.   Providing specialist care and support  “Persons coming to us from key populations, have very layered needs. They are facing unique challenges in addition to living with the virus. There is still that myth that being HIV positive means that you will positively die. Added to that, there’s the discrimination that the community faces in every aspect of their lives on a daily basis. As a staff, we’ve had to seek special training to guide the way we interact with these clients so that we can meet all their needs appropriately and sensitively,” explains Dr. Boyce.   “Apart from medical interventions which are needed to ensure that our clients continue to live healthy lives, we focus heavily on their psychosocial needs. It’s easy to think that because a client is physically healthy that they are also emotionally healthy. We have clients that won’t leave abusive relationships because they think no one else would accept them. We have other clients that are dealing with long-term medication fatigue because they have been taking pills for over 10 years. With that sometimes comes depression and other drug addictions, which is why it’s necessary for us to maintain open and honest relationships to address those accompanying issues.”  Making HIV a non-issue  Dr Boyce has been committed to providing treatment and care to clients living with HIV for over 20 years. He had worked at the Port of Spain General Hospital after graduating, during which time, medicine for persons living with HIV was expensive and out of reach for many. A few years later, through government programmes, medicine became more affordable, and treatment centres were opening up across the island. However, Dr. Boyce realized that the mortality rate had not changed by much. He wondered why people were still dying from a virus when medicine was easily accessible.   “That first conversation – giving a client the news that they’ve tested positive – is very important. We get to show them that HIV is not an impediment. Most times, with the wrong information, they start to draw up a list of things that they can no longer do, like go after a promotion or start a family. Then they go through life shrunken and unrecognizable, not the person they once were. So to answer that intern’s question about why I work with persons living with HIV: I want to make HIV a non-issue,” he states.    Dr. Boyce hopes to see HIV disclosure become as acceptable as other chronic illnesses such as cancer or diabetes, where an entire family would work towards caring for the affected person, instead of alienating them. He also hopes to see more inclusion and tolerance towards persons living with HIV, especially those within the LGBTI+ community.   “Until a gay or transgender person can walk the streets freely and not be jeered at by passers-by, we still have a long way to go. Until they can access treatment at any public facility without fear or judgment, we have a lot of work to do. It would take a lot of education to change the stigma and discrimination but there is absolutely no reason why another person’s life should be miserable because their expression is different to ours.”   He commends the work of FPATT in upholding the sexual and reproductive health and rights of the LGBTI+ community, through ensuring that they have a safe and non-judgmental environment for treatment and care. He says that the Medical Research Foundation values the great relationship that the two organizations have had for years, even as FPATT works towards becoming its own full-service antiretroviral treatment site for persons living with HIV.    


| 18 April 2024

Changing mindsets through medicine and motivation

“You work with people who have HIV? Why?” That was the question Dr. Gregory Boyce was asked by the young intern that stood before him. He had come to the hospital ward to visit a client who was known to be living with HIV. He approached the intern at the desk and gave his name and designation. The intern looked at him, confused and somewhat amused and asked the question that he has neither forgotten, nor understood to this day.   However, this young intern’s question comes from a mindset that Dr. Boyce is working fervently to change. As Deputy Director of the Medical Research Foundation of Trinidad and Tobago (MRF), Dr. Boyce provides clinical and administrative support to a team of doctors and nurses providing care to their clients who are living with HIV. Due to MRF’s long-standing work in HIV research and healthcare, the Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago (FPATT), has referred many clients to Dr. Boyce and his team, and especially clients from the LGBTI+ community.   Providing specialist care and support  “Persons coming to us from key populations, have very layered needs. They are facing unique challenges in addition to living with the virus. There is still that myth that being HIV positive means that you will positively die. Added to that, there’s the discrimination that the community faces in every aspect of their lives on a daily basis. As a staff, we’ve had to seek special training to guide the way we interact with these clients so that we can meet all their needs appropriately and sensitively,” explains Dr. Boyce.   “Apart from medical interventions which are needed to ensure that our clients continue to live healthy lives, we focus heavily on their psychosocial needs. It’s easy to think that because a client is physically healthy that they are also emotionally healthy. We have clients that won’t leave abusive relationships because they think no one else would accept them. We have other clients that are dealing with long-term medication fatigue because they have been taking pills for over 10 years. With that sometimes comes depression and other drug addictions, which is why it’s necessary for us to maintain open and honest relationships to address those accompanying issues.”  Making HIV a non-issue  Dr Boyce has been committed to providing treatment and care to clients living with HIV for over 20 years. He had worked at the Port of Spain General Hospital after graduating, during which time, medicine for persons living with HIV was expensive and out of reach for many. A few years later, through government programmes, medicine became more affordable, and treatment centres were opening up across the island. However, Dr. Boyce realized that the mortality rate had not changed by much. He wondered why people were still dying from a virus when medicine was easily accessible.   “That first conversation – giving a client the news that they’ve tested positive – is very important. We get to show them that HIV is not an impediment. Most times, with the wrong information, they start to draw up a list of things that they can no longer do, like go after a promotion or start a family. Then they go through life shrunken and unrecognizable, not the person they once were. So to answer that intern’s question about why I work with persons living with HIV: I want to make HIV a non-issue,” he states.    Dr. Boyce hopes to see HIV disclosure become as acceptable as other chronic illnesses such as cancer or diabetes, where an entire family would work towards caring for the affected person, instead of alienating them. He also hopes to see more inclusion and tolerance towards persons living with HIV, especially those within the LGBTI+ community.   “Until a gay or transgender person can walk the streets freely and not be jeered at by passers-by, we still have a long way to go. Until they can access treatment at any public facility without fear or judgment, we have a lot of work to do. It would take a lot of education to change the stigma and discrimination but there is absolutely no reason why another person’s life should be miserable because their expression is different to ours.”   He commends the work of FPATT in upholding the sexual and reproductive health and rights of the LGBTI+ community, through ensuring that they have a safe and non-judgmental environment for treatment and care. He says that the Medical Research Foundation values the great relationship that the two organizations have had for years, even as FPATT works towards becoming its own full-service antiretroviral treatment site for persons living with HIV.    

Healthcare worker

| 24 June 2021

Ensuring care for Trinidad and Tobago's LGBTI+ community

Public perceptions, a lack of education, and government policies contribute to the barriers and challenges to achieving equality for all. In a country as diverse as Trinidad and Tobago, this is especially acute for certain key populations, including the LGBTI+ community.  For Brandy Rodriguez, Healthcare Navigator at the Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago (FPATT), the struggle is both real and personal. In 1999, Brandy began her transition to womanhood and since 2006 has been working with FPATT in their HIV programme for the LGBTI+ community.    “Back in 2004, very little was said about HIV infection, transmission and prevention. In fact, if there was any information, it was misconstrued and meant to stigmatize the LGBTI+ community. I was fairly new to the transgender community, so I made it a mission to research and find out the truths behind HIV and how I could protect myself. I then felt like I had to share what I found with others who were searching as well,” she said.  Overcoming prejudice and stigma   That’s when FPATT asked Brandy to join their team in educating the LGBTI+ community on the types of healthcare available. Stigma surrounding the community forced many to stay hidden and avoid seeking care. Even if a member of the LGBTI+ community wanted to test for their HIV status, they would never dare to go into a public health centre, because of the fear of being judged by the healthcare professionals.    “It’s a simple case of this. When a transgender or non-binary person walks into a health centre or hospital, and the triage nurse has to fill in a form that asks for gender, the only two options there are male and female. So usually, the non-binary person knows that if they want to access that healthcare, free of judgement, they would have to dress as the gender that would bring less attention. At the end of the day, the healthcare provider does not receive accurate information about the client, and the client doesn’t receive the scope of assessment and treatment that may be necessary. So part of what I do, is to simply accompany the client to the appointment so that it’s a less stressful experience and they don’t feel like they are alone,” says Brandy.   The importance of access to HIV treatment and care Apart from a great lack of healthcare professionals that are willing to treat the LGBTI+ community non-judgementally, the community also lacks social support. Most of the members of the community face barriers to housing and employment, which often means earning a livelihood through sex work. Over 95% of skilled and employable persons within the LGBTI+ community have turned to sex work because they are constantly denied employment within other industries.   “When I began my transition, I was fortunate to have the support of my family; they understood my heart and my need to be my authentic self. Not everyone has that support and so some either migrate or are left homeless because of the fact. Having to work within the sex industry means that they are now at greater risk for HIV or other STIs. My job as an Educator and Navigator is to promote condom use and ensure that they make use of FPATT’s regular HIV testing. If they do test positive, we then have that conversation about U=U, which means that if they [their HIV viral load] are undetectable, they will be untransferable, and then get them to that place of undetectability.”    Brandy explains that being undetectable means that the client’s viral load is suppressed, and they are living healthy lives. The team works hard to ensure clients living with HIV enrol in the FPATT Programme, which supports the importance of adhering to consistent treatment, healthy eating, and rest. As well as testing, the Programme offers sexual and reproductive health education on prevention against STIs and both group and one-to-one sessions to anyone who needs it.  Advocating for support  FPATT has, for many years, advocated for the sexual and reproductive rights of the LGBTI+ community, ensuring that it remains a safe place for HIV testing and counselling. It holds a vision of a world where gender or sexuality are no longer a source of inequality or stigma.   FPATT is poised to become a full-service HIV treatment site, offering antiretroviral treatment as well as psychosocial services for persons affected by HIV. FPATT’s goal is to stop discrimination and stigma against persons living with HIV and ultimately end the spread of HIV within Trinidad and Tobago by 2030.    

Healthcare worker

| 18 April 2024

Ensuring care for Trinidad and Tobago's LGBTI+ community

Public perceptions, a lack of education, and government policies contribute to the barriers and challenges to achieving equality for all. In a country as diverse as Trinidad and Tobago, this is especially acute for certain key populations, including the LGBTI+ community.  For Brandy Rodriguez, Healthcare Navigator at the Family Planning Association of Trinidad and Tobago (FPATT), the struggle is both real and personal. In 1999, Brandy began her transition to womanhood and since 2006 has been working with FPATT in their HIV programme for the LGBTI+ community.    “Back in 2004, very little was said about HIV infection, transmission and prevention. In fact, if there was any information, it was misconstrued and meant to stigmatize the LGBTI+ community. I was fairly new to the transgender community, so I made it a mission to research and find out the truths behind HIV and how I could protect myself. I then felt like I had to share what I found with others who were searching as well,” she said.  Overcoming prejudice and stigma   That’s when FPATT asked Brandy to join their team in educating the LGBTI+ community on the types of healthcare available. Stigma surrounding the community forced many to stay hidden and avoid seeking care. Even if a member of the LGBTI+ community wanted to test for their HIV status, they would never dare to go into a public health centre, because of the fear of being judged by the healthcare professionals.    “It’s a simple case of this. When a transgender or non-binary person walks into a health centre or hospital, and the triage nurse has to fill in a form that asks for gender, the only two options there are male and female. So usually, the non-binary person knows that if they want to access that healthcare, free of judgement, they would have to dress as the gender that would bring less attention. At the end of the day, the healthcare provider does not receive accurate information about the client, and the client doesn’t receive the scope of assessment and treatment that may be necessary. So part of what I do, is to simply accompany the client to the appointment so that it’s a less stressful experience and they don’t feel like they are alone,” says Brandy.   The importance of access to HIV treatment and care Apart from a great lack of healthcare professionals that are willing to treat the LGBTI+ community non-judgementally, the community also lacks social support. Most of the members of the community face barriers to housing and employment, which often means earning a livelihood through sex work. Over 95% of skilled and employable persons within the LGBTI+ community have turned to sex work because they are constantly denied employment within other industries.   “When I began my transition, I was fortunate to have the support of my family; they understood my heart and my need to be my authentic self. Not everyone has that support and so some either migrate or are left homeless because of the fact. Having to work within the sex industry means that they are now at greater risk for HIV or other STIs. My job as an Educator and Navigator is to promote condom use and ensure that they make use of FPATT’s regular HIV testing. If they do test positive, we then have that conversation about U=U, which means that if they [their HIV viral load] are undetectable, they will be untransferable, and then get them to that place of undetectability.”    Brandy explains that being undetectable means that the client’s viral load is suppressed, and they are living healthy lives. The team works hard to ensure clients living with HIV enrol in the FPATT Programme, which supports the importance of adhering to consistent treatment, healthy eating, and rest. As well as testing, the Programme offers sexual and reproductive health education on prevention against STIs and both group and one-to-one sessions to anyone who needs it.  Advocating for support  FPATT has, for many years, advocated for the sexual and reproductive rights of the LGBTI+ community, ensuring that it remains a safe place for HIV testing and counselling. It holds a vision of a world where gender or sexuality are no longer a source of inequality or stigma.   FPATT is poised to become a full-service HIV treatment site, offering antiretroviral treatment as well as psychosocial services for persons affected by HIV. FPATT’s goal is to stop discrimination and stigma against persons living with HIV and ultimately end the spread of HIV within Trinidad and Tobago by 2030.    

Midwife Rewda Kedir examines a newborn baby and mother in a health center outside of Jimma, Ethiopia

| 16 July 2020

"Before, there was no safe abortion"

Rewda Kedir works as a midwife in a rural area of the Oromia region in southwest Ethiopia. Only 14% of married women are using any method of contraception here.  The government hospital Rewda works in is supported to provide a full range of sexual and reproductive healthcare, which includes providing free contraceptives and comprehensive abortion care. In January 2017, the maternal healthcare clinic faced shortages of contraceptives after the US administration reactivated and expanded the Global Gag Rule, which does not allow any funding to go to organizations associated with providing abortion care. Fortunately in this case, the shortages only lasted a month due to the government of the Netherlands stepping in and matching lost funding. “Before, we had a shortage of contraceptive pills and emergency contraceptives. We would have to give people prescriptions and they would go to private clinics and where they had to pay," Rewda tells us. "When I first came to this clinic, there was a real shortage of people trained in family planning. I was the only one. Now there are many people trained on family planning, and when I’m not here, people can help." "There used to be a shortage of choice and alternatives, and now there are many. And the implant procedures are better because there are newer products that are much smaller so putting them in is less invasive.” Opening a dialogue on contraception  The hospital has been providing medical abortions for six years. “Before, there was no safe abortion," says Rewda. She explains how people would go to 'traditional' healers and then come to the clinic with complications like sepsis, bleeding, anaemia and toxic shock. If they had complications or infections above nine weeks, Rewda and her colleagues would send them to Jimma, the regional capital. "Before, it was very difficult to persuade them to use family planning, and we had to have a lot of conversations. Now, they come 45 days after delivery to speak to us about this and get their babies immunised," she explains. "They want contraceptives to space out their children. Sometimes their husbands don’t like them coming to get family planning so we have to lock their appointment cards away. Their husbands want more children and they think that women who do not keep having their children will go with other men." "More kids, more wealth" Rewda tells us that they've used family counselling to try and persuade men to reconsider their ideas about contraception, by explaining to them that continuously giving birth under unsafe circumstances can affect a woman's health and might lead to maternal death, damage the uterus and lead to long-term complications. "Here, people believe that more kids means more wealth, and religion restricts family planning services. Before, they did not have good training on family planning and abortion. Now, women that have abortions get proper care and the counseling and education has improved. There are still unsafe abortions but they have really reduced. We used to see about 40 a year and now it’s one or two." However, problems still exist. "There are some complications, like irregular bleeding from some contraceptives," Rewda says, and that "women still face conflict with their husbands over family planning and sometimes have to go to court to fight this or divorce them.”

Midwife Rewda Kedir examines a newborn baby and mother in a health center outside of Jimma, Ethiopia

| 18 April 2024

"Before, there was no safe abortion"

Rewda Kedir works as a midwife in a rural area of the Oromia region in southwest Ethiopia. Only 14% of married women are using any method of contraception here.  The government hospital Rewda works in is supported to provide a full range of sexual and reproductive healthcare, which includes providing free contraceptives and comprehensive abortion care. In January 2017, the maternal healthcare clinic faced shortages of contraceptives after the US administration reactivated and expanded the Global Gag Rule, which does not allow any funding to go to organizations associated with providing abortion care. Fortunately in this case, the shortages only lasted a month due to the government of the Netherlands stepping in and matching lost funding. “Before, we had a shortage of contraceptive pills and emergency contraceptives. We would have to give people prescriptions and they would go to private clinics and where they had to pay," Rewda tells us. "When I first came to this clinic, there was a real shortage of people trained in family planning. I was the only one. Now there are many people trained on family planning, and when I’m not here, people can help." "There used to be a shortage of choice and alternatives, and now there are many. And the implant procedures are better because there are newer products that are much smaller so putting them in is less invasive.” Opening a dialogue on contraception  The hospital has been providing medical abortions for six years. “Before, there was no safe abortion," says Rewda. She explains how people would go to 'traditional' healers and then come to the clinic with complications like sepsis, bleeding, anaemia and toxic shock. If they had complications or infections above nine weeks, Rewda and her colleagues would send them to Jimma, the regional capital. "Before, it was very difficult to persuade them to use family planning, and we had to have a lot of conversations. Now, they come 45 days after delivery to speak to us about this and get their babies immunised," she explains. "They want contraceptives to space out their children. Sometimes their husbands don’t like them coming to get family planning so we have to lock their appointment cards away. Their husbands want more children and they think that women who do not keep having their children will go with other men." "More kids, more wealth" Rewda tells us that they've used family counselling to try and persuade men to reconsider their ideas about contraception, by explaining to them that continuously giving birth under unsafe circumstances can affect a woman's health and might lead to maternal death, damage the uterus and lead to long-term complications. "Here, people believe that more kids means more wealth, and religion restricts family planning services. Before, they did not have good training on family planning and abortion. Now, women that have abortions get proper care and the counseling and education has improved. There are still unsafe abortions but they have really reduced. We used to see about 40 a year and now it’s one or two." However, problems still exist. "There are some complications, like irregular bleeding from some contraceptives," Rewda says, and that "women still face conflict with their husbands over family planning and sometimes have to go to court to fight this or divorce them.”


| 08 August 2018

“We are losing precious time"

In November 2017,  Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) received the news that they must cease all USAID funded programmes. The stop order was a result of the 'Global Gag Rule' (GGR), also referred to as the Mexico City Policy. The reinstatement of the policy has resulted in Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia losing 46% of its funding. You can learn more about the Global Gag Rule here. “When I lost my job as service delivery manager [at PPAZ USAID's Open Doors project], I felt like a part of me had died, I’m very passionate about this. I look forward to seeing a day where everybody will be free to access health services without stigma and discrimination, especially public health facilities. That’s what I’d like to see, [I] want to see integrated services, being provided to key populations, without stigma and discrimination, and fear of being arrested." The Global Gag Rule The reinstatement of the ‘Global Gag Rule’ resulted in the termination of Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia grant for the USAID Open Doors being terminated.  Chipili says “We didn’t expect its implementation to come with the termination of the grants suddenly. We thought that we were going to be given time, a year, one year to work and complete the project and hand over to the partner that was going to take over the responsibilities that Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia handled.” The termination of the project means progress that has been made, especially the work done to help reduce the number of HIV and STIs cases among the key populations will be undone. Progress, that is desperately needed to meet Zambia’s targets on HIV reduction. “We are losing precious time. We have got targets to meet as a nation, we need to ensure that by 2020 we reach the 90/90 goals, set by UNAIDS, and also the country has a broader vision of eliminating the threat of HIV, HIV as a public threat by 2030. So if we have such stumbling blocks, then the targets might not be met.  And then these key populations are also linked with the general population, we have men who sex with men, they also have partners, some of them are married, and if we don’t get into their networks, HIV and STIs will end up in the general population, therefore putting everybody at risk." Other impacts have been the increased vulnerability and the lost investment of peer promoters from the key populations and loss of safety and security that was provided by the organization.  Loss of safety and security “For safety and security, key populations cannot freely go to facilities they don’t know very well. The clinic setup was the most ideal set up for them. No one would question them, because this is open to everybody. But now what the project is doing, they are renting houses, the USAID is renting houses where they are providing services, so a house is very different from a clinic, that also affects the element of sustainability. The element of sustainability has also been lost because PPAZ has been here for a long time, since 1972, so we were hoping that the project was going to build the capacity for PPAZ to continue providing services to key populations that are free from stigma and discrimination. That has been lost. To me it’s a lost opportunity.” The Zambia National AIDS/HIV Strategic Framework for 2017 to 2021, bears a strong emphasis on leaving no one behind when it comes to stopping the HIV/AIDS epidemic. “No one should be left behind, if we are to reduce HIV infections to zero, if this is not done, the dream, the vision will not be achieved, we cannot afford to start pointing fingers, we have to use the public health approach and eliminate the risk of HIV infection amidst our people”.


| 18 April 2024

“We are losing precious time"

In November 2017,  Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) received the news that they must cease all USAID funded programmes. The stop order was a result of the 'Global Gag Rule' (GGR), also referred to as the Mexico City Policy. The reinstatement of the policy has resulted in Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia losing 46% of its funding. You can learn more about the Global Gag Rule here. “When I lost my job as service delivery manager [at PPAZ USAID's Open Doors project], I felt like a part of me had died, I’m very passionate about this. I look forward to seeing a day where everybody will be free to access health services without stigma and discrimination, especially public health facilities. That’s what I’d like to see, [I] want to see integrated services, being provided to key populations, without stigma and discrimination, and fear of being arrested." The Global Gag Rule The reinstatement of the ‘Global Gag Rule’ resulted in the termination of Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia grant for the USAID Open Doors being terminated.  Chipili says “We didn’t expect its implementation to come with the termination of the grants suddenly. We thought that we were going to be given time, a year, one year to work and complete the project and hand over to the partner that was going to take over the responsibilities that Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia handled.” The termination of the project means progress that has been made, especially the work done to help reduce the number of HIV and STIs cases among the key populations will be undone. Progress, that is desperately needed to meet Zambia’s targets on HIV reduction. “We are losing precious time. We have got targets to meet as a nation, we need to ensure that by 2020 we reach the 90/90 goals, set by UNAIDS, and also the country has a broader vision of eliminating the threat of HIV, HIV as a public threat by 2030. So if we have such stumbling blocks, then the targets might not be met.  And then these key populations are also linked with the general population, we have men who sex with men, they also have partners, some of them are married, and if we don’t get into their networks, HIV and STIs will end up in the general population, therefore putting everybody at risk." Other impacts have been the increased vulnerability and the lost investment of peer promoters from the key populations and loss of safety and security that was provided by the organization.  Loss of safety and security “For safety and security, key populations cannot freely go to facilities they don’t know very well. The clinic setup was the most ideal set up for them. No one would question them, because this is open to everybody. But now what the project is doing, they are renting houses, the USAID is renting houses where they are providing services, so a house is very different from a clinic, that also affects the element of sustainability. The element of sustainability has also been lost because PPAZ has been here for a long time, since 1972, so we were hoping that the project was going to build the capacity for PPAZ to continue providing services to key populations that are free from stigma and discrimination. That has been lost. To me it’s a lost opportunity.” The Zambia National AIDS/HIV Strategic Framework for 2017 to 2021, bears a strong emphasis on leaving no one behind when it comes to stopping the HIV/AIDS epidemic. “No one should be left behind, if we are to reduce HIV infections to zero, if this is not done, the dream, the vision will not be achieved, we cannot afford to start pointing fingers, we have to use the public health approach and eliminate the risk of HIV infection amidst our people”.

Thomas, 34 years old, former PPAZ peer educator and counsellor

| 08 August 2018

"The community really appreciated the services we were offering"

In November 2017,  Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) received the news that they must cease all USAID funded programmes. The stop order was a result of the 'Global Gag Rule' (GGR), also referred to as the Mexico City Policy. The reinstatement of the policy has resulted in Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia losing 46% of its funding. You can learn more about the Global Gag Rule here. "My name is Thomas, I’m 34 years old. At PPAZ I worked as a peer educator and counsellor, I used to work on the outreach programmes in the community to offer access to health services like voluntary counselling and testing, we also used to sensitize women on the importance of family planning. We also used to refer women we would find had different problems, to the facilities so they can access health services. We also used to help by giving information on things like HIV prevention and signs and symptoms to look out for.  At other times, since the places were very far, we would take the services from the facilities to where the people were, so PPAZ used to help us do that.  I was at the clinic when they came to tell us that PPAZ would no longer be involved in the project because the funding had been stopped. It was a challenge for us because the services that people had become accustomed to in the communities, HIV counselling and testing services levels reduced because we couldn’t manage to go and take these services to them in the places where they live.  When we worked with PPAZ we used to put condoms in these places for them, in the bars and taverns, and even pool tables. Now that PPAZ is gone, the government cannot meet the supply of condoms needed in these places, even the services can’t be offered on the same scale. Unable to meet needs in rural areas Like you can see here, I look after my grandmother and other family members and that money [peer educators' allowance] used to go a long way in helping us look after our children and buy food, and other things. At the moment it is very difficult. Nyangwena is a very big place, it also includes 14 villages, so there are many people in this area. With the money that we were given through PPAZ, my friend and I would manage to get tyres for a bicycle and go to these places, we’d cycle distances as far as 14Km away. It was very helpful; the community really appreciated the services we were offering because we used to take them to the people. We would be very happy if PPAZ were to start them again because we would really help our communities a great deal with these services. Even school children would go and access them, at the youth-friendly corner twice a week. Information is really needed amongst these school children."

Thomas, 34 years old, former PPAZ peer educator and counsellor

| 18 April 2024

"The community really appreciated the services we were offering"

In November 2017,  Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) received the news that they must cease all USAID funded programmes. The stop order was a result of the 'Global Gag Rule' (GGR), also referred to as the Mexico City Policy. The reinstatement of the policy has resulted in Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia losing 46% of its funding. You can learn more about the Global Gag Rule here. "My name is Thomas, I’m 34 years old. At PPAZ I worked as a peer educator and counsellor, I used to work on the outreach programmes in the community to offer access to health services like voluntary counselling and testing, we also used to sensitize women on the importance of family planning. We also used to refer women we would find had different problems, to the facilities so they can access health services. We also used to help by giving information on things like HIV prevention and signs and symptoms to look out for.  At other times, since the places were very far, we would take the services from the facilities to where the people were, so PPAZ used to help us do that.  I was at the clinic when they came to tell us that PPAZ would no longer be involved in the project because the funding had been stopped. It was a challenge for us because the services that people had become accustomed to in the communities, HIV counselling and testing services levels reduced because we couldn’t manage to go and take these services to them in the places where they live.  When we worked with PPAZ we used to put condoms in these places for them, in the bars and taverns, and even pool tables. Now that PPAZ is gone, the government cannot meet the supply of condoms needed in these places, even the services can’t be offered on the same scale. Unable to meet needs in rural areas Like you can see here, I look after my grandmother and other family members and that money [peer educators' allowance] used to go a long way in helping us look after our children and buy food, and other things. At the moment it is very difficult. Nyangwena is a very big place, it also includes 14 villages, so there are many people in this area. With the money that we were given through PPAZ, my friend and I would manage to get tyres for a bicycle and go to these places, we’d cycle distances as far as 14Km away. It was very helpful; the community really appreciated the services we were offering because we used to take them to the people. We would be very happy if PPAZ were to start them again because we would really help our communities a great deal with these services. Even school children would go and access them, at the youth-friendly corner twice a week. Information is really needed amongst these school children."

Joyce, HIV positive and PPAZ client

| 08 August 2018

"If I hadn’t come at that time to get help I would have been seriously ill"

In November 2017,  Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) received the news that they must cease all USAID funded programmes. The stop order was a result of the 'Global Gag Rule' (GGR), also referred to as the Mexico City Policy. The reinstatement of the policy has resulted in Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia losing 46% of its funding. You can learn more about the Global Gag Rule here. “My name is Joyce. I live in Sopoloyi with my grandmother. I tested positive for HIV, around November, but was doubtful about starting treatment. I stayed away for three months and came back in January, to retest, when they asked if I wanted to start treatment right away, I refused, because I wasn’t ready.  I told my sister what happened and explained that I had tested positive for HIV, so she advised me to go back and start treatment as soon as possible, because the longer I waited the more I was wasting away.   I returned to the clinic and I was given medication for two weeks. I was changed and put on another course for a month. I would go back every two weeks to get medication, then gradually I was given a course for two months. From the time I commenced treatment till now, there’s a clear difference, my body is slowly coming back to normal. I felt very safe, I was happy that they protected me, if I hadn’t come at that time to get help I would have been seriously ill, the medication wouldn’t have helped me at all, but now I have been on medication I feel much better and my body is also getting better. They are still giving me medication. They need to continue giving us the medicines and the information, because at least they tell us that once we start we are not supposed to skip any dose, even when you feel fit, you can’t stop because the virus multiplies everyday by a thousand, so the more you take your medication it keeps the virus levels low, so I would say they need to continue. All I am asking is that they don’t stop giving us this treatment because a lot of people will suffer or even die without these medicines.”

Joyce, HIV positive and PPAZ client

| 18 April 2024

"If I hadn’t come at that time to get help I would have been seriously ill"

In November 2017,  Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) received the news that they must cease all USAID funded programmes. The stop order was a result of the 'Global Gag Rule' (GGR), also referred to as the Mexico City Policy. The reinstatement of the policy has resulted in Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia losing 46% of its funding. You can learn more about the Global Gag Rule here. “My name is Joyce. I live in Sopoloyi with my grandmother. I tested positive for HIV, around November, but was doubtful about starting treatment. I stayed away for three months and came back in January, to retest, when they asked if I wanted to start treatment right away, I refused, because I wasn’t ready.  I told my sister what happened and explained that I had tested positive for HIV, so she advised me to go back and start treatment as soon as possible, because the longer I waited the more I was wasting away.   I returned to the clinic and I was given medication for two weeks. I was changed and put on another course for a month. I would go back every two weeks to get medication, then gradually I was given a course for two months. From the time I commenced treatment till now, there’s a clear difference, my body is slowly coming back to normal. I felt very safe, I was happy that they protected me, if I hadn’t come at that time to get help I would have been seriously ill, the medication wouldn’t have helped me at all, but now I have been on medication I feel much better and my body is also getting better. They are still giving me medication. They need to continue giving us the medicines and the information, because at least they tell us that once we start we are not supposed to skip any dose, even when you feel fit, you can’t stop because the virus multiplies everyday by a thousand, so the more you take your medication it keeps the virus levels low, so I would say they need to continue. All I am asking is that they don’t stop giving us this treatment because a lot of people will suffer or even die without these medicines.”