International Planned Parenthood Federation Champions, Jessica Pratt and Yvonne Chaka Chaka, are joining forces with campaigners from around the world calling for an end to violence against women. Jessica Pratt, an opera singer, took a moment from her busy rehearsal schedule to say "I'm sick of violence against women"
While singer Yvonne Chaka Chaka reminded how violence is often used by husbands and male relatives to impose their will on women and girls.
One in three women worldwide have experienced violence in their lifetime, often from a relative or an intimate partner.
November 25th marks the start of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence which ends on December 10th with Human Rights Day. Please join Jessica and Yvonne and tell us why you are sick of violence against women. You can take a photo or holding a sign telling what aspect of violence against women you’re sick of, and using the hashtag #StopViolence
Also, you can add IPPF filter to your Facebook photo, to share the campaign with your friends!
What's the aspect of violence against women that you're most sick of? Share it, say the world to #StopViolence
Blog Series
Ending Sexual and Gender Based Violence
Gender equality