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Request for Proposal Philanthropy Consultant
Closing date: Sep 11, 2024
International Planned Parenthood Federation The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is the world’s largest global reproductive healthcare nonprofit and a leading advocate of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for all. With a focus on vulnerable and marginalised people, IPPF is leading the fight to ensure all people have access to the services they need and desire. Founded more than 72 years ago as an act of international solidarity between a group of pioneering activists, today, IPPF is a broad and diverse Federation spanning 152 countries and includes 156 Member Associations (MAs) and Collaborative Partners. These national NGOs and CSOs, known as MAs, deliver quality health products and services, provide comprehensive sexual education information, and advocate for progressive laws and policies with intersectional issues like LGBTQ+ justice. Additionally, IPPF has a humanitarian relief division that responds in crisis and in the wake of natural disasters. This work is critical to advance its mission to ensure everyone everywhere can make choices about their sexuality, health, and well-being in a world free from discrimination, coercion, and violence. In 2023, IPPF and its MAs reached more than 71 million people worldwide, delivering a broad range of health products and services, like contraception and safe abortion. Background & Scope The Individual Philanthropy unit, a core pillar of IPPF’s revenue generation division, is in a critical growth phase in its efforts with individuals and family foundations. With traditional global investments in SRHR stalling, new and diversified philanthropic engagement with high and ultrahigh-net-worth individuals and their families is needed to counter the threats to our progress and build a broader social justice movement. To support catalytic growth in this area of fundraising, IPPF seeks a philanthropy consultant to serve as a thought partner and support the design of its Principal and Major Gifts programme. The consultant will have two primary short-term deliverables: 1. Assist in the co-creation of a UHNWI/HNWI engagement roadmap that includes pathways to building relationships with wealth advisors and firms, designing a unique donor strategy (e.g., a donor network/affinity group), and strategies/tactics to position IPPF’s unique value proposition with prospective funders (e.g., philanthropy events, panels, etc.). 2. Develop a core “pitch package” and materials that outline a case for support and strategic funding opportunities within IPPF’s programming. The long-term goal of this endeavour is to bolster IPPF’s institutional fundraising efforts and create a sustainable community of like-minded individual supporters and activists. IPPF represents a unique opportunity for strategic private philanthropists to support innovative programmes at the intersection of rights, justice and service delivery, reach places and populations that other organisations can’t and don’t, and make an immediate localised impact in nearly every country in the world. The projected timeline is open for discussion but is tentatively expected to start at the end of August 2024 to complete the short-term deliverables within three to four months. To support the initial delivery of the strategy, IPPF expects to offer an extended SOW to kickstart the programme in January 2025. Application Process To provide further detail, IPPF will invite shortlisted applicants to an exploratory call to review the scope of work and proposal expectations. Formal proposals need to be submitted before/by 23 August 2024 and should include information about the consultant’s outline and approach and information detailing their relevant experience, capabilities, and proposed timeline and cost structure. Additional Notes: • Consultants with experience in HNWI/UHNWI fundraising, sexual and reproductive health and rights, advocacy, ethical storytelling, gender justice, and INGO experience are especially critical. • Consultants with experience in philanthropy markets outside the US (UK, CA, etc.) and various diaspora would be valuable. • Additional sub-consultants necessary to deliver against this project can be considered. Please send enquiries and materials to Bill Lane, Head of Individual Philanthropy, at [email protected]. *No phone calls, please.*
Request for Proposals - External Evaluation Round 6 Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF)
Closing date: Sep 23, 2024
SAAF is currently seeking a team to carry out an external evaluation of our work and an assessment of our grantmaking processes. The evaluation process will take place between November 2024 and April 2025. The lead and main point of contact for this work will be Heidi Schroffel, SAAF Evaluation & Learning Adviser. All queries should be sent to [email protected] with the subject line “SAAF Evaluation - Query”. The completed proposal must be submitted by email to Heidi Schroffel at [email protected] by Monday 23rd September 2024 with the subject line “SAAF Evaluation Submission”.
Request for Proposal: IPPF Global Assurance – MAs and CPs
Closing date: Sep 27, 2024
IPPF is a global healthcare provider and a leading advocate of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for all. Our work is wide-ranging, including comprehensive sex education, provision of contraceptive, safe abortion, and maternal care and responding to humanitarian crises. We pride ourselves on being local through our members and global through our network. At the heart of our mission is the provision of sexual, reproductive health and rights services (SRHR) and advocacy in support of changing policies and guidelines at the country level in support of SRHRJ to anyone who needs it regardless of race, gender, sex, income, and crucially no matter how remote. IPPF is registered as a charity with the Charity Commission for England and Wales under charity number 229476. More information can be accessed through our website: Copies of previous years’ Annual reports can be found on our website: The purpose of this tender (RFP) is to source audit and investigations specialists to support our assurance program of audits / internal control reviews and ad hoc financial wrongdoing investigations across the Federation. The IPPF Secretariat comprises of the London Office, and six regional offices. The Secretariat is responsible for strategy, income generation and distributing core and restricted funds to members and collaborating partners and collaborating with them on technical developments and sector advancements. As at September 2024, IPPF’s membership comprises 120 Member Associations (MAs) and 37 Collaborative Partners (CPs). The IPPF Risk & Assurance team is responsible for the implementation of the annual MA and CP Assurance Plan where a selection of approximately eight to ten MAs/CPs are audited each year to assess their internal controls and adherence to Federation-wide policies and values. Currently, the annual plan is finalized by the Director, Risk & Assurance and approved by IPPF senior management and the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee (C-FAR). The planned audits are then completed by auditors or investigators (as necessary) who are individually contracted to complete a pre-defined work program. The plan is to improve the efficiency of the process by contracting a single organization to complete the MA and CP Assurance Plan, reporting to the Director, Risk & Assurance, who – in turn – reports to both the IPPF Director-General and the C-FAR. Additionally, the secretariat can, on occasion, be required to complete investigations into allegations of financial wrongdoing at MAs and CPs. There may therefore be an occasional need to source auditors/ investigators able to complete such investigations. To ensure objective evaluation and a clear and fair process, all communication relating to the RFP must be sent by e-mail only to: Victoria Sadler Director, Risk & Assurance Email: [email protected] Please submit your application by 27 September 2024
Campaigns Consultant
Closing date: Sep 27, 2024
International Planned Parenthood Federation The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is the world’s largest global reproductive healthcare nonprofit and a leading advocate of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for all. With a focus on vulnerable and marginalised people, IPPF is leading the fight to ensure all people have access to the services they need and desire. Founded more than 72 years ago as an act of international solidarity between a group of pioneering activists, today, IPPF is a broad and diverse Federation spanning 152 countries and includes 156 Member Associations (MAs) and Collaborative Partners. These national NGOs and CSOs, known as MAs, deliver quality health products and services, provide comprehensive sexual education information, and advocate for progressive laws and policies with intersectional issues like LGBTQ+ justice. IPPF’s humanitarian relief programme also provides critical health commodities and services, including SGBV, in the wake of disasters and conflict zones. IPPF’s model and innovative programmes work at the intersection of rights, justice, and service delivery, reaching places and populations that other organisations don’t and can’t, making an immediate localised impact in nearly every country in the world. Our work aims to ensure that everyone everywhere can make choices about their sexuality, health, and well-being in a world free from discrimination, coercion, and violence. In 2023, IPPF and its MAs reached more than 71 million people worldwide, delivering a broad range of health products and services, like contraception and comprehensive safe abortion care. Background & Scope There has never been a more critical time for sexual and reproductive health and rights globally, and individual donors and advocates play a critical role in advancing the mission of IPPF to push back against the tide of inequality. While there has been significant progress for domestic SRHR and human rights organisations, the number of people connecting the fight in the US with the global challenges in this work remains limited. To increase its impact and rapidly scale its external audiences of people (current and new), specifically in the US market, who “see, think, and trust” IPPF, we are seeking a retained Campaigns Consultant starting at the end of 2024. The Consultant will partner with existing IPPF Fundraising and Communications teams to create new pathways for organisational awareness, brand amplification, and audience growth across multiple intersecting demographics. Core goals of the consultancy and work include: Grow and diversify prospective external audiences in the US, including traditional SRHR supporters, intersectional issue advocates, and new generational demographics (GenZ). Produce campaigns in alignment with IPPF’s key programmatic priorities, organisational Strategy 2028, and vision. Enhance IPPF’s engagement and affinity with its current audiences. Support the fundraising program’s lead generation efforts. Elevate IPPF within a new and growing market of advocates and supporters. The Consultant’s work will be split into two phases: Phase One: The first phase of the consultation should include an internal landscape analysis to understand IPPF’s current brand presence in the US, identify strengths and weaknesses, and determine possible opportunities for evergreen and bespoke campaigns that will leverage owned/earned media, partnerships, and grassroots audience mobilising to support IPPF’s global work. Deliverables in Phase One will include: 1) a summary report of key findings and insights from the landscape analysis and 2) an integrated campaign communications strategy, with recommended tactical implementation across channels. The summary report and strategy’s success will be determined based on alignment with the core goals outlined above, the ability to deliver key media (print, digital, and social) and thought leadership placements, reach and engagement across priority audiences, and, ultimately, increased funding to support IPPF’s programmes. Phase Two: The second phase will focus on the Consultant’s implementation of the developed and approved campaign and communications strategy through the end of 2025 with the possibility of future partnership. Project Timeline & Budget The projected timeline is open for discussion but is tentatively expected to start at the end of August 2024 to complete the short-term deliverables within three to four months. To support the delivery of Phase Two, IPPF will offer an extended SOW to start in January 2025. The project budget is open for discussion, but monthly retainer fees should not exceed $15,000. Costs associated with media spend will be allocated separately by the organisation for any campaigns. Application Process To provide further details, IPPF will invite shortlisted applicants to an exploratory call before proposal submissions to review the scope of work and proposal expectations. The deadline for formal submissions is 27 September 2024. Proposals should include information about the consultant’s outline and approach, relevant experience, capabilities, case studies, proposed timeline, and cost structure. Selected candidates will be asked to present their proposals to an IPPF procurement committee. Please send enquiries and materials to Bill Lane, Global Head of Individual Philanthropy, at [email protected]. *No phone calls, please.* Additional Notes: • Consultants with experience in sexual and reproductive health and rights, advocacy, ethical storytelling, gender justice, and INGO experience are especially critical. • Consultants with experience in audiences and markets outside the US (UK, CA, etc.) and various diaspora and NextGen would be valuable. • Additional sub-consultants necessary to deliver against this project can be considered Photo credits: EricPlouzet/Unsplash
Consultancy – Safe Passage Program, a development of a Call for proposals
Closing date: Oct 22, 2024
Background The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) was founded in 1952 and currently has 150 Member Associations (MAs) and Collaborative Partners with a presence in over 146 countries. IPPF is a global healthcare provider and a leading advocate of sexual and reproductive health and rights for all with the vision that all people are free to make choices about their sexuality and well-being, in a world free from discrimination. IPPF recognises that the achievement of the highest attainable standard of sexual and reproductive health is not possible when gender equality and human rights are not respected, protected and fulfilled. As affirmed by the IPPF Strategy 2023- 2028, IPPF is now more focused than ever on expanding our reach to crisis affected populations –particularly women, girls and marginalized population with SRH in emergencies services. As a Humanitarian actor, IPPF aims at working together with our local members to uphold the dignity and right to sexual reproductive Health to all in crisis. A locally led and feminist approach is central to this by engaging the existing expertise of Member Associations and partners and mobilising the energy of our youth volunteers. IPPF’s humanitarian program is in a unique position to respond to the needs of women and girls in crisis settings as our Member Associations are established, local, autonomous organizations that are present before the onset of an emergency, during the response and in the recovery phase. Objective Conduct formative activities that will inform an anticipated multi country - in the origin and transit countries - and multi partners (MAs and other partners) consortium to support Sexual and Reproductive Health in Emergencies (SRHiE) and SGBV programs, specific needs of marginalised populations on the move in the South and Central American migration route (to the US). Specific objectives 1. Develop an inclusive, gender- and people-centre situation analysis that reflects a good understanding of the specific SRH and SGBV vulnerabilities faced by people on the move, particularly girls and women, people with diverse SOGIESC , people with disabilities, and ethnic minorities along key migration routes in Latin and Central America; existing gaps in the implementation of those services, a review of interventions and responses from various organizations, including Civil Society Organizations (local NGOs), international agencies, and Community Based Organizations (CBO), as well as governments migration policies and actions in both sending, transit and receiving countries. 2. Develop a capacity assessment of each key Member Association established along the migration routes to evaluate SRH and SGBV care services, human resources, technical expertise, and health information systems. This should include the identification of gaps or areas of capacity building that should be strengthened to be part of the future consortium. 3. Based on the results of the formative activities of specific objectives 1 and 2, a Call for Proposals will be developed to assist Member Associations interested in the preparing proposals (in consortium). Under the guidance of both the IPPF Americas & Caribes Regional Office, the consultants/firm will work closely with the Humanitarian Director and Humanitarian Technical Lead, both based in Brussels. IPPF anticipates that this stream of work will require support from a team of consultants/firm rather than one individual Timeframes Objective 1 to start by October 15th to December15th 2024; Objective 2 to start December 15th , 2024, and be finalized by February 15th, 2025, and Objective 3 to start with objective 2 and be finalised my March 31st, 2025. We anticipate 5 months of work. To Apply Please submit your application to [email protected] with the subject “Consultancy – Safe Passage Program, a Call for Proposals”. Deadline for submission is 22th September 2024. Applications can be sent in English or Spanish A Q&A Session will be held on September 19th, 202
No Internship Offers available at this time.
Finance Officer
Closing date: Sep 12, 2024
Role Purpose: The Finance Officer position is responsible for timely and accurate management of financial transaction processing, month-end and year-end closures and coordination of financial compliances for the US operations and ensuring effective financial controls and processes across the ...
Global Movement Support Advisor
Closing date: Sep 12, 2024
Location: This is a Global role that can be based in Delhi, Kuala Lumpur, Nairobi, Tunis, or Mexico City. Role Purpose: To coordinate a multi-country advocacy project funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC) aiming to enhanced legislative and policy environment in favour of SRHR, safe abor...
Head of Humanitarian Operations (HHO)
Closing date: Sep 20, 2024
Location: Role to be based within IPPF’s East and South-East Asia and the Pacific region (to be located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) Contract: Fixed Term (Initial 2 years with possibility of extension) Role Purpose Millions of people around the world lack access to high-quality...