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Request for Proposal Philanthropy Consultant

To support catalytic growth in this area of fundraising, IPPF seeks a philanthropy consultant to serve as a thought partner and support the design of its Principal and Major Gifts programme.


International Planned Parenthood Federation

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) is the world’s largest global reproductive healthcare nonprofit and a leading advocate of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) for all. With a focus on vulnerable and marginalised people, IPPF is leading the fight to ensure all people have access to the services they need and desire.

Founded more than 72 years ago as an act of international solidarity between a group of pioneering activists, today, IPPF is a broad and diverse Federation spanning 152 countries and includes 156 Member Associations (MAs) and Collaborative Partners. These national NGOs and CSOs, known as MAs, deliver quality health products and services, provide comprehensive sexual education information, and advocate for progressive laws and policies with intersectional issues like LGBTQ+ justice. Additionally, IPPF has a humanitarian relief division that responds in crisis and in the wake of natural disasters.

This work is critical to advance its mission to ensure everyone everywhere can make choices about their sexuality, health, and well-being in a world free from discrimination, coercion, and violence. In 2023, IPPF and its MAs reached more than 71 million people worldwide, delivering a broad range of health products and services, like contraception and safe abortion.


Background & Scope

The Individual Philanthropy unit, a core pillar of IPPF’s revenue generation division, is in a critical growth phase in its efforts with individuals and family foundations. With traditional global investments in SRHR stalling, new and diversified philanthropic engagement with high and ultrahigh-net-worth individuals and their families is needed to counter the threats to our progress and build a broader social justice movement.

To support catalytic growth in this area of fundraising, IPPF seeks a philanthropy consultant to serve as a thought partner and support the design of its Principal and Major Gifts programme. The consultant will have two primary short-term deliverables:

1. Assist in the co-creation of a UHNWI/HNWI engagement roadmap that includes pathways to building relationships with wealth advisors and firms, designing a unique donor strategy (e.g., a donor network/affinity group), and strategies/tactics to position IPPF’s unique value proposition with prospective funders (e.g., philanthropy events, panels, etc.).

2. Develop a core “pitch package” and materials that outline a case for support and strategic funding opportunities within IPPF’s programming.

The long-term goal of this endeavour is to bolster IPPF’s institutional fundraising efforts and create a sustainable community of like-minded individual supporters and activists. IPPF represents a unique opportunity for strategic private philanthropists to support innovative programmes at the intersection of rights, justice and service delivery, reach places and populations that other organisations can’t and don’t, and make an immediate localised impact in nearly every country in the world.

The projected timeline is open for discussion but is tentatively expected to start at the end of August 2024 to complete the short-term deliverables within three to four months. To support the initial delivery of the strategy, IPPF expects to offer an extended SOW to kickstart the programme in January 2025.


Application Process

To provide further detail, IPPF will invite shortlisted applicants to an exploratory call to review the scope of work and proposal expectations. Formal proposals need to be submitted before/by 23 August 2024 and should include information about the consultant’s outline and approach and information detailing their relevant experience, capabilities, and proposed timeline and cost structure.

Additional Notes:

• Consultants with experience in HNWI/UHNWI fundraising, sexual and reproductive health and rights, advocacy, ethical storytelling, gender justice, and INGO experience are especially critical.

• Consultants with experience in philanthropy markets outside the US (UK, CA, etc.) and various diaspora would be valuable.

• Additional sub-consultants necessary to deliver against this project can be considered.

Please send enquiries and materials to Bill Lane, Head of Individual Philanthropy, at [email protected]. *No phone calls, please.*