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UNFPA State of the World Population 2018 report

News item

IPPF welcomes UNFPA's State of the World Population 2018 report

Latest report highlights that, while much progress has been made globally in upholding reproductive rights, there remains large inequalities in access and high levels of unmet needs. 

The UNFPA's State of the World Population report highlights that, while much progress has been made globally in upholding reproductive rights, there remains large inequalities in access and high levels of unmet needs. 

By grouping countries into low, medium and high fertility countries, the report recognizes the diverse needs globally, and the importance of targeted interventions. In high fertility countries, the high unmet need for family planning is one of the most important issues that governments and SRHR partners need to address by ensuring access to quality, rights-based contraceptive services. In low fertility countries, the report highlights infertility and needs of the ageing population - more needs to be done to prioritize these issues, especially in countries with low fertility. In countries with mid fertility, high adolescent fertility is a concern, and reflects the need to further strengthen youth friendly services, including comprehensive sexuality education.  

IPPF supports the report and especially its emphasis and recognition of the reproductive rights of couples, including the right to choose, the right to decide the number of children they wish to have and when, throughout the report. 

IPPF joins its voice with UNFPA and partners to call on governments to sustain their commitments to SRHR and ensure access to the full range of high quality universally accessible SRH services and allocate domestic funding to ensure that gender equality and sexual and reproductive rights are realized. This is of critical importance as the 25th anniversary of the historic commitments adopted by 179 governments in the Programme of Action of the International Conference of Population and Development in Cairo in 1994. IPPF aligns with the call made by the report on the rights of all women to choose and decide freely and without question over their bodies, sexuality and reproduction as a priority to achieve the agenda 2030.


