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News item

IPPF celebrates the launch of the first report of the High-Level Commission on the Nairobi Summit

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) celebrates the launch of the first report of the High-Level Commission on the Nairobi Summit (HLC). 

The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) celebrates the launch of the first report of the High-Level Commission on the Nairobi Summit (HLC). The commission is a full independent advisory board comprised of 26 members from different sectors, tasked with monitoring progress on The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) Programme of Action

Whilst we acknowledge that some progress has been made, IPPF regrets to read that no region is on track to fully implement and deliver on their ICPD commitments.  

Monitoring the implementation of life-saving sexual and reproductive health and gender-responsive services is crucial to ensure accountability and human rights for all. This is why IPPF launched its ICPD+25 Nairobi Summit report - A roadmap to fulfilling the promise, and our ICPD commitments tracker database, which analyses the commitments made by governments of 137 countries who participated in the Nairobi summit in 2019 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the ICPD Programme of Action.  

IPPF fully supports the sexual and reproductive justice frame and is committed to following the recommendations of the call to action of the report: 

1) making justice the end goal,  

(2) putting rights and development at the core of action,  

(3) thinking differently and pursuing innovations in health-care service delivery,  

(4) reaching further and prioritizing marginalized groups facing the worst disparities in terms of sexual and reproductive justice,  

(5) tracking and increasing funding for SRHR, and  

(6) creating new narratives around sexual and reproductive justice that are accurate and powerful enough to counter ongoing oppositional voices. 

Anamaria Bejar, Global Director of Advocacy said: 

“We are facing a critical crossroad – the report makes it clear that governments need to act now and fast. Sexual and reproductive health and rights can no longer hang in the balance; they are non-negotiable. The pandemic has shown us just how fragile access to sexual and reproductive health services is, and how the opposition has used the cover of covid to attack hard-won rights including access to safe abortion care. IPPF Member Associations will continue to deliver on our commitments to ensuring that everyone, no matter where they are or who they are, access high-quality healthcare and realize their full rights."

Dr Alvaro Bermejo, IPPF’s Director-General added: 

“The report is a sobering reminder that we are far from reaching the commitments made at ICPD. Cairo was a historic moment for sexual and reproductive health and rights, but over 25 years later, we are still falling short of its vision, and have made little progress since Nairobi. Women, girls, and people from marginalized communities cannot wait any longer, nor should they. Governments need to do more; this means more financial investment, more political will, and a sense of urgency to get us back on track.” 
