On the ongoing situation in Afghanistan, IPPF’s Director-General, Dr Alvaro Bermejo, said:
"The International Planned Parenthood (IPPF) is deeply concerned about the situation unfolding in Afghanistan and asks those in power to preserve the enormous gains made in life-saving sexual and reproductive healthcare for Afghan women and girls, and to continue working with the partners and NGOs that provide these services.
"Equally, the UK Government retains a significant responsibility to the Afghan people and, in the words of Boris Johnson, must not turn its back on Afghanistan. Once again, IPPF implores the government to urgently reinstate critical overseas aid funding, which it deliberately chose to remove from Afghanistan when it was most needed.
"We also ask the international community to stand in solidarity with the people of Afghanistan, including IPPF's partners, who, despite the dangers, continue to provide life-saving healthcare to those in need."
Related Member Association
Afghan Family Guidance Association