Recognizing the significant global impact of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), this statement affirms IPPF’s commitment to people-centred STI care as a critical aspect of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health and well-being.
A holistic approach to sexual and reproductive health and rights acknowledges that true sexual and reproductive well-being extends beyond the prevention and treatment of diseases. It emphasizes the importance of promoting healthy, satisfying sexual and reproductive experiences. This includes advocating for personcentred care, encouraging self-care strategies, and supporting the development of innovative healthcare delivery models tailored to meet the diverse needs of individuals in various circumstances and contexts, particularly reaching those who are often excluded and marginalized.
This statement updates the latest information on STIs. It provides practical recommendations for IPPF Member Associations on how to develop a comprehensive, people-centred approach to STI care, emphasizing integrated services, adherence to guidelines, rights-based care, community engagement, advocacy, and a positive perspective on sexual health and well-being.
HIV and STIs