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Underserved and overlooked - cover page


Under-served and Over-looked

Prioritizing contraceptive equity for the poorest and most marginalized women and girls

Under-served and Over-looked is a flag in the ground. It is a decisive declaration that IPPF stands for equity. IPPF stands for human rights for all.

While IPPF has long worked to scale up family planning services, to reduce unmet need and to reach vulnerable populations, with the launch of Under-served and Over-looked we are confirming that reaching the most vulnerable and hard-to-reach groups is IPPF’s top priority.

This report is a synthesis of evidence revealed from a literature review, including 68 reports from 34 countries. The results are dire: the poorest women and girls, in the poorest communities of the poorest countries are still not benefitting from the global investment in family planning and the joined up actions of the global family planning movement. Women in the poorest countries who want to avoid pregnancy are one-third as likely to be using a modern method as those living in higher-income developing countries. This is not acceptable.


