Abortion is healthcare. Period. Medical abortion is a safe and effective way to end a pregnancy. Medical abortion can be self-managed for the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
This page is a resource for all women, girls and pregnant people seeking more information on abortion care, where to purchase safe abortion pills as well as information on abortion funds available and legal advice on self-managed abortion care.
Learn how medical abortion works
Ever wonder how medical abortion, also known as the ‘abortion pill’, works?
In this explainer video, we go through the steps of what to expect during a medical abortion.
Please note that this video is an overview of the procedure.
Where to find abortion pills, information and support online
In the United States
Plan C
Plan C provides up-to-date information on how people in the US are accessing at-home abortion pill options online.
Aid Access
Aid Access provides digital consultations and abortion pills. Find out more information by visiting their website.
Hey Jane
Hey Jane is a virtual clinic that provides medical abortion consultation and pills to people in some US states.
I Need an A
Our goal is to provide a simple, up-to-date, and localized source of information for people seeking abortions.
Carafem provides in-clinic abortion care and at-home medical abortion in certain states.
Women Help Women
Women Help Women is an international activist non-profit organization working on access to abortion.
Women on Web
Women on Web is an international online abortion service, providing access to safe abortion services.
Safe2Choose offers free virtual counselling and advice on medical abortion and is available in multiple languages.
International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion
If you are seeking advice on abortion, you can use their database to find a national hotline number.
How To Use Abortion Pill
Learn how to use abortion medication to safely and effectively end a pregnancy.
Self-managed abortion
This online course is designed for anyone looking to learn more about self-managing abortion, or having an abortion at home.
Find out more about abortion funds
An abortion fund is a group of people who will help you pay for your abortion when you can’t afford it. Some funds are able to help you with travel, lodging, child care, doula, and translation services so that accessing an abortion is less challenging.
Need legal advice on your self-managed abortion?
The Repro Legal Helpline is a free, confidential helpline where you can get legal information or advice about self-managed abortion, young people’s access to abortion or judicial bypass, and referrals to local resources.
Repro Legal Helpline is run by If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice, a non-profit organization made up of advocates, organizers, and lawyers helping to build a future where everyone is free to make their own decisions about their bodies and reproductive lives.
Get involved in protecting abortion
Bans Off Our Bodies is a national campaign led by abortion rights supporters. Bans Off Our Bodies rallies across the United States are intended to send a message loud and clear: All people deserve access to abortion when they need it and in the community they live in.
The Liberate Abortion Campaign is an effort comprised of more than 150 reproductive justice and rights organizations, groups, and abortion providers working in coalition to fight for abortion that is available, affordable, accessible, and stigma-free for anyone who needs it.
Take our how to support a medical abortion online training
IPPF and HowToUse have developed a free online medical abortion training for the full range of healthcare workers, including physicians, midwives, pharmacists, medical students and community health workers. The training will equip health workers with the necessary skills to provide care for women seeking medical abortion up to 13 weeks’ gestation. The training is focused on person-centered care and includes a module on supporting women in medical abortion self-care.
Download the training job aids below:
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