The Mouvement Français pour le Planning Familial (MFPF) is a feminist confederacy of over 70 member associations covering most of the French territory.
They provide comprehensive sexuality education, counseling and information on contraception, abortion, HIV/STI and sexual and affective issues. Furthermore, they listen to, help and work with survivors of gender-based violence. Half of their beneficiaries are under the age of 20.
MFPF and its members also run training courses and produce material for medical and educational communities covering a whole range of SRHR issues. A large number of member associations run health clinics where contraception and abortion services are delivered.
MFPF advocates for longer delays and improved access to abortion, and it has been highly active in challenging opposition to fertility regulation. At the European and international scales, the organisation invests in three main activities. First, MFPF advocates for SRHR, women's rights and LGBTQI+ rights. Then, it conducts solidarity campaigns with immigrant women, and with sexual and reproductive health organizations in other European countries (such as Poland) where women's sexual and reproductive rights are violated.
Finally, the French organization takes part in international programmes in solidarity with organizations in Africa in order to learn from one another, to share practices and to develop a common political agenda to improve access to SRHR.
European Network

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