In the latest People and Power documentary, the team travel round Mozambique with AMODEFA, to look first-hand at the human impact the Gag rule has had in the country.
The Global Gag Rule denies U.S. funding to organisations like IPPF if they use money from other donors to provide abortion services, counselling or referrals—even if abortion is legal in a country.
It blocks critical funding for health services like contraception, maternal health, and HIV prevention and treatment for any organisation that refuses to sign it.
The documentary talks to AMODEFA clients and staff who have been involved and helped by the US funded health programmes covering young people, HIV and Tuberculosis.
AMODEFA faces significant losses to their programming budget of $2 million. Work that has built trust and provided support and treatment for many people who would have been left behind.
The documentary spans several provinces, with the team visiting specialised outreach services that go out to the most rural populations.
‘We will have generations that are sick without knowing what they have. They will run the risk of transmitting HIV to other people because they do not know their HIV status,’ says project leader, Dr Marcel Kant. ‘We are condemning our society to live with this illness and there will be a large number of deaths.’
IPPF is working with AMODEFA to find alternative sources of funding.
Executive Director Santos Simione, is working tirelessly with his team to ensure AMODEFA’s works continues, “We must be resilient! This also means being resilient to ensure that the progress made in sexual and reproductive health and rights continues and the provision of services minimizes the suffering of our population, particularly adolescents and young people, women and children”.
The team
Read more about AMODEFA's tireless work in Mozambique
HIV and STIs
Related Member Association
Associação Moçambicana para Desenvolvimento da Família