IPPF strongly believes that safe, reliable and affordable health care is a universal right. It can change and even save lives.
IPPF believes that everyone deserves quality healthcare
IPPF strongly believes that safe, reliable and affordable health care is a universal right. It can change and even save lives.
Marinho Malavi is an activista with AMODEFA, Mozambique. Marinho volunteers on the 'Challenge TB' programme, an outreach programme that is under threat of closure because of the Global Gag Rule.
Amal Ahmed, the Executive Director of our Member Association in Somaliland (SOFHA) recounts her personal experience of being one of the 97-98% of young girls forced to undergo female genital…
Our Humanitarian team were on call to deliver emergency family planning and dignity kits during the evacuation of Vanuatu. The most disaster prone country in the world.
Rural communities in Uganda have a high prevalence rate of gender inequality, sexual abuse and incest. There is little provision of sexual and reproductive health services and abortion is highly…