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Bolelwa Falten


"Our being here is actually bringing the service to where they are and where they need it"

Bolelwa Falten in based in Lesotho's capital, Maseru, and has been working as an HIV counselor for the better part of a decade. She handles five different Lesotho Planned Parenthood Association posts,...

Bolelwa Falten in based in Losotho’s capital, Maseru, and has been working as a HIV counsellor for the better part of a decade, bouncing from different organizations depending on where the funding goes. Before she joined, IPPF nine months ago, 40-year-old Bolelwa worked with PSI Losotho. Now, she runs the “North team” as part of LPPA’s outreach program. 

She handles five different outreach posts and today, she is running the HIV testing clinic at one site. 

Bolelwa proudly takes us through the full range of tests and counseling services they offer there, taking particular pride in explaining how she follows up patients who test positive. She knows the beneficiaries appreciate the work – it’s something she sees every time she does an outreach day. 

“They no longer need transport money, time to get to the clinic. Our being here is actually bringing the service to where they are and where they need it,” she says. But quickly, she follows up, noting that in general, HIV and STI mobile healthcare services have been hit-hard by funding cuts in recent years.

“Our being here is actually bringing the service to where they are and where they need it”






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Lesotho Planned Parenthood Association