Every year tens of thousands of Ugandans walk through the doors at Gulu Clinic. Everyone is welcome. Here are just a few of the people that went to the clinic one day last month.

"I was suffering…..so my sister decided to bring me here. When she brought me here, I was treated and I got better. I really admired how they do their things and I really wanted to learn more about Reproductive Health."

"I grew up alone. I ended up dropping out of school and I went for sex working. I came purposely here to RHU for Hepatitis B testing and also counselling because I have so many personal problems. I like coming here….they’re so caring."

Fertility treatment remains a sensitive issue for men and women in Uganda but Brenda and her husband, Francis decided to visit Reproductive Health Uganda's clinic in Gulu. “They helped us a lot and we get proper treatment."

"I realised that at this place they don't segregate. Us people with disabilities have challenges at the main hospitals. You go there, people around look at you as if you are not a human being and you don't fall sick."

"Our goal is to ensure this Reproductive Health Uganda clinic in Gulu is a 'one-stop-centre'. When a client comes in, she comes out when she has got a very big package of services. And when we go to do outreach in the community we give very many services"

At the end of a long day, Anicia, closes the clinic with praise for her colleagues who never turn anyone away. "We open at 8am…and we may end up sometimes up to 10pm because we never chase out our client. We’ll never close the place when we have a client inside. People come when they have no hope.”
Contraception, HIV and STIs, Maternal Healthcare, Gynaecological
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Reproductive Health Uganda