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Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia

The Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) was created in 1972.

The Planned Parenthood Association of Zambia (PPAZ) was created in 1972. Then, it was dedicated to the promotion of family planning services. Over the years, it has evolved into a major service provider and advocacy body, with significant input into government policy on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) issues.

Services offered include family planning, voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) for HIV, the treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), antenatal and post-natal care, emergency contraceptive provision, laboratory tests, and screening. PPAZ refers clients on for additional services including prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT), antiretroviral treatment and home-based care.

The organization operates 3 static clinics, 11 mobile units and 10 community-based services (CBSs). It has a full-time staff of 34, backed by 1,300 volunteers which include over 200 community-based distributors (CBDs) and 398 peer educators. In total, PPAZ runs 229 service points.

PPAZ places a strong emphasis on HIV and AIDS prevention and treatment: as the statistics show, HIV prevalence rates are exceptionally high in Zambia. PPAZ has worked intensively on integrating gender and empowerment perspectives into HIV prevention. It has undertaken behaviour change communication projects directed at young people, both in and out of school settings, and it’s taken similar projects out to rural communities. 

PPAZ partners extensively with non-governmental organizations (NGOs), particularly those involved in youth and HIV and AIDS work. It receives financial support from Care international, UNICEF, the Japanese Organisation for Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICEP), Forum RFSU and IPPF’s Japan Trust Fund








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Member Association Services Available

Contraceptive care

Comprehensive Sex Education

Maternal and child health

HIV care